Corona and Al Quran virus Analisis

In recent weeks, many have asked what is the relationship between the corona virus and the Koran which has so far killed more than 400 hundred people and made all countries alert to this virus.
 Corona and Al Quran virus Analisis
First we have to know this virus originates from the country of China, the Chinese government itself has made a statement this virus originates from bats where we know that most of the Chinese people consume a lot of food from extreme animals.

What relation to the Qur'an and Islam ???
Let's see ... and the meaning of this verse
 Wa kul mimm razaqakumullhu allan ayyibaw wattaqullhalla antum bih mu`minn

Meaning: And eat halal food again that is good from what Allah has blessed you with, and fear Allah whom you believe in Him. (Reference)

From the explanation of the above verse, it is clear that Allah tells us to eat halal food and also from halal animals and forbid haram.

Incidentally bats are animals that are prohibited from being eaten and are considered unclean, which results in becoming a virus in this case.

How could that be, surely it was a question some people let us discuss ...

God's suggestion in the Quran and Rasulullah that we eat halal is clear, the truth and its benefits are from animals, fruits and food that must be eaten and also everything that Allah and Rasullah mentioned both in the Quran and Hadiths must have meaning and elements that are good for us in terms of whatever food is halal, and has elements that are not good for those who are forbidden.

As an example of why God forbids eating pork because it is certainly not useful and has many disadvantages for us, even now there are many studies that say that.

In the case of this corona virus, bats are a question of some halal or haram bats eaten?

Let's peel here

Most Muslims in the world adhere to the Syafi'i and Hambali schools of thought and the two high priests declare bats as illegitimate animals eaten. this is based on the hadith

"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam forbade eating any wild fanged animals" (Muttafaqun)

That is what strengthens his unlawful bat in the perspective of Islamic religion.

In the world of medicine, the great group of IPB, Prof. Dr. Agus Setiyono, MS, PhD, APVet stated that bats provide benefits to sow the seeds of various kinds of fruit plants. The bats eat the fruit, then take the seeds to fly to other regions and the seeds will grow a variety of fruit produced from natural fertilization made by bats. However, it is recommended that bats are not consumed because there are a lot of zoonis viruses in the bat, so far no vaccine has been found.

Now I know what is the reason corona associated with the Qur'an


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