Imam Haramain al-Juwaini: Scientific Sanad and his Works
In many studies of usul fiqh in various Shafi'i schools the name of Imam Haramain is always mentioned. Imam Haramain was a great scholar who succeeded in spawning a great scholar of caliber Hujjatul Islam Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Ghazali ath-Thusi or what we usually call Imam al-Ghazali.
His full name is Abdul Malik bin Abdullah bin Yusuf bin Abdullah or more commonly referred to as Imam Haramain al-Juwaini. The title "al-Imam" that was pinned to him was due to the sublime blessing of his knowledge. Noted are the two scholars who first gave the title "al-Imam" to him, namely Sheikh Husain al-Baghawi, author of the interpretation of Ma'alim at-Tanzil (d. 516 H) and Sheikh Ibn Abi ad-Dam, author of the book Adab al -Qadha '(d. 642 H). Many great scholars who call it the title al-imam in their books include Imam Abdul Karim ar-Rofi'i (d. 623 H), imam Yahya bin Syaraf an-Nawawi (d. 676 H), Imam Badruddin az Zarkasyi (d. 794 H), Sheikh al-Qadhi Abu Bakr Ibn Arabi in Syarh at-Tirmidhi (d. 543 H), Sheikh Ibn Shalah in the book Musykil al-Wasith (d. 643), Sheikh Ibn Abdus Syakur in the book of Muslim at-Tsubut (d. 1119 H), Shaykh Ibn Hisham in the book of Mughni al-Labib (d. 761 H).
In terms of the scholars of fiqh, the title "al-Imam" is only shown to the founder of the school of fiqh as Imam Shafi'i, Imam Maliki, Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. However, especially for Imam Haramain al-Juwaini he received the title "al-Imam" as an appreciation for his works which are a reference of the school both in the science of ushul fiqh and the science of jurisprudence.
The title "Haramain" was given to him because he had lived and taught for four years in the city of Mecca and the city of Medina. While al-Juwaini was pinned because his parents lived in the Juwain plains, a plain in the Iranian state of Qazvin province although Imam Haramain himself spent much of his life in the city of Naisabur, a city in the Khurasan province of the Iranian state.
Imam Haramain al-Juwaini was born in 419 AH in the city of Naisabur. He was born from a large family full of knowledge. His father, Abdullah bin Yusuf, was a great scholar of jurisprudence who was nicknamed "Rukn al-Islam" (pillar of Islam). Among his father's works are al-Furuq, as-Genealogy, Syarh ar-Risalah and many more. While his uncle, Ali bin Yusuf, is a well-known scholar with mastery of the science of hadith and has the title "Shaykhul Hijaz" (teacher referral to the Hijaz community). Among Ali bin Yusuf's works is the book of Salwah.
Imam Tajuddin as-Subki in the book of Thabaqat as-Syafi'iyyah relates, "Imam Haramain al-Juwaini was born from a family full of knowledge. Since childhood, he has mastered Arabic grammar very well. Until he has a very high level of fluency in Arabic. There were no scholars among the four schools of fiqh in his day that could match his fluency in Arabic. "
Imam Haramain spent ten years wandering around the province of Khurasan in Iran, the capital of Baghdad in the country of Iraq, to the Hijaz plains. At first, Imam Haramain studied with his father, namely Sheikh Abdullah bin Yusuf al-Juwaini. Since childhood Imam Haramain has shown his intelligence talent in the science of jurisprudence. Until the year 439 H his father died. Since then, Imam Haramain succeeded his father in teaching in the city of Naisabur. At that time, Imam Haramain turned 20 years old. Then Imam Haramain continued his education at Madrasah al-Baihaqi in the city of Naisabur under the guidance of Abu Qasim Abdul Jabbar ibn Ali ibn Muhammad who was known by the nickname Al-Iskafi al-Isfiraini (d. 452 H).
It was from Shaykh al-Iskafi that Imam Haramain gained maturity in the science of aqeedah and the science of usul fiqh. In addition, Imam Haramain also studied with Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Muhammad al-Muqri 'or also known as Abu Abdullah al-Khubazi (d. 449 H), the largest Al-Qur'an cleric in the city of Naisabur in his day. It was from Sheikh al-Khubazi that Imam Haramain studied the science of the Qur'an. Followed by studying to Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Muhran or better known as al-Hafidz Abu Nu'aim al-Ashbihani (d. 430 H), the greatest Hadith scholar of his time, who supposedly for 14 years there was no ulama expert of hadith who is able to rival him both in the west and in the east. Imam Haramain received many Hadith diplomas from al-Hafidz Abu Nu'aim.
In addition to the great scholars, Imam Haramain also learned from Abu Hissan Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Muzakki, Abu Sa'id Abdurrahman bin Hamdan an-Nashrawi, Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Yahya al-Muzakki, Abu Abdurrahman Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz an-Nili, Abu Sa'id Abdurrahman bin Hasan bin Aliyyak, and Abu Hasan Ali bin Fadhal bin Ali al-Mujasyi '.
During his life Imam Haramain never wasted his time except for knowledge. He once told his students, "I never eat and sleep like most people do. I sleep when it's very bad both day and night and I eat when I'm very hungry."
Praise from the scholars of Imam Tajuddin as-Subki recorded in the book of Tabaqat as-Syafi'iyyah, "Among the delicate images of Imam Haramain's heart is that he is easily touched by his heart, easily cries when pondering. When he explains Sufism the listeners will cry because they hear Imam Haramain cried, even once his students dripped blood from his eyelids because he cried too much with Imam Haramain, he was also very thorough and detailed when explaining the words of the scholars of Sufism experts, described as if when he gave advice his listeners seemed to get his heart clean again, Imam Haramain is a humble scholar, he is not reluctant to learn a science from his students, the pleasure he hopes is the joy of knowledge and repeating the knowledge he has understood, Imam Haramain also believes that learning science is not limited in time. during his life he always learned from anyone he met ui. "
Shaykh Abu Hasan Ali ibn Fadhal ibn Ali al-Mujasyi 'said: "I really have never seen someone so absorbed in seeking knowledge like Imam Haramain." This praise was conveyed by Sheikh Abu Hasan Ali bin Fadhal bin Ali Mujasyi 'because he saw the spirit of learning of Imam Haramain which was extraordinary. It is said, Imam Haramain studied the book of Iksir adz-Dzahab fi Shana'at al-Adab to Abu Hasan Ali bin Fadhal bin Ali Mujasyi 'at the age of Imam Haramain who turned 50 years old.
Sheikh Ali bin Hasan bin Abi Thayyib in the book Dumyat al-Qashr praised, "Imam Haramain when explaining the science of jurisprudence as if the science of Imam Mazini, Imam Shafi'i's greatest student was like a drop of rain in the presence of heavy rain. And when Imam Haramain explain the science of monotheism as if the science of Imam Abu Hasan al-Asy'ari, the founder of the Ash'ariyya sect in the science of Aqeedah is like a strand of hair in front of a lock of hair. "
Shaykh Abu Ishaq as-Syairazi said to the students of Imam Haramain, "Enjoy the knowledge with Imam Haramain, truly he is the warehouse of knowledge in this era." On another occasion, Shaykh Abu Ishaq as-Syairazi praised Imam Haramain, "Oh, the source of knowledge for the west and the east, really has enjoyed the delicious knowledge of you both the scholars in your time and in your aftermath, truly you are the leader of the scholars."
Al-Hafidz Abu Muhammad al-Jurjani said, "Imam Haramain was the leader of the clerics of his day and an extraordinary person of his time. There was no comparison in his teaching, memorization, or oral fluency."
Shaykh al-Hafidz Abdul Ghafir al-Faris praised Imam Haramain, "Indeed he is Imam Haramain, the pride of Islam, the leader of the ulamas absolutely, a repository of Sharia knowledge that is recognized both in the west and in the east. There will never be a cleric like either in the times before and in the time after that. "
Imam Haramain's Works Indeed, it is recognized that Imam Haramain was the greatest expert in the science of usul fiqh after the death of Imam Shafi'i. This is shown by his extraordinary works. Among the books by Imam Haramain are
1. The Book of Nihayah al-Mathlab fi Dirayah al-Mazhab. This book is seen as a book that summarizes all the thoughts of Imam Haramain in the science of jurisprudence throughout his life. Imam Ibnu Subki said, "There are no works written in the Shafi'i school which are superior to the book of Nihayah al-Mathlab by Imam Haramain."
2. The Book of Mukhtashar an-Nihayah. This book is a summary of the previous Nihayah al-Mathlab. Imam Haramain commented on his work "Indeed this Mukhtashar book is no more than half the thickness of Nihayah al-Mathlab, but its contents are many times more complete than the Nihayah al-Mathlab. Imam Ibn Subki commented," This book is a very great, one of Imam Haramain's best works. "
3. Book of at-Talkhis fi Usul al-Fiqh. This book is a summary and explanation of the book at-Taqrib wa al-Ershad al-Kabir written by al-Qadhi Abu Bakr al-Baqillani. This book is the first work of Imam Haramain in the science of ushul fiqh and was written during his stay in the city of Mecca.
4. The Book of Ash-Shamil fi Usul al-Fiqh. This book is the largest book written by Imam Haramain. Unfortunately, much of this book is lost from history. Only one small juz can be saved and is still in the form of a manuscript.
5. Kitab al-Ershad ila Qawathi 'al-Adillah fi Usul al-'Itiqad. This book is a summary of the book of Ash-Shamil which has been composed previously.
6. The book of Ghiyats al-Umam fi at-Tiyats adz-Dhulam or known by the book of al-Ghiyatsi. This book explains about the science of Islamic politics both in terms of their measurements and scales in the Shari'a.
7. Kitab al-Kafiyah fi al-Jadal. This book explains about the procedure and code of ethics in the debate which is able to produce a final conclusion / natijah.
8. Kitab al-Asalib wa al-'Umd. This book is several times called Imam Haramain in the book of al-Burhan and recorded by Ibn Subki in the book of Thabaqat ash-Shafi'iyyah.
9. The book ad-Durrah al-Mudhiy'ah fima Waqa'a fihi al-Khilaf baina Shafi'iyyah wa al-Hanafiyyah. This book discusses differences of opinion between the Hanafi school of thought and the Shafi'i school. It was first printed in 1986 AD and inaugurated by Dr. Abdul Adzim ad-Dieb.
10. Kitab al-Waraqat fi Usul al-Fiqh. This book is a very concise book and is widely used in the science of Usul Fiqh. In this book, Imam Haramain only explains about the important foundations of the science of Usul Fiqh without too deeply discussing the differences of opinion of scholars in the science of Aqeedah.
11. Kitab at-Tuhfah fi Usul al-Fiqh. Unfortunately, this book is lost from history.
12. Kitab al-Burhan fi Usul al-Fiqh. This book is the last work of Imam Haramain in the science of usul fiqh. Kitab al-Burhan along with al-Mustashfa by Muhammad al-Ghazali is the best work in the science of aqidah presented by scholars from the Shafi'i school. This book is also referred to as the best book in studying the science of usul fiqh. In this book, Imam Haramain revoked many of the opinions he had set in his works in the field of ushul fiqh which he had previously written.
According to Dr. Abdul Adzim ad-Dieb, in the book of al-Burhan Imam Haramain has 25 different opinions from Imam Shafi'i, 3 different opinions from Imam Abu Hasan al-Asy'ari, and 41 different opinions from Imam Abu Bakar al-Baqillani . The book of al-Burhan belonging to Imam Haramain is the book referred to as the inspiration of Imam ar-Razi (d. 606 H) in compiling the legendary work of al-Mahshul and the inspiration for Imam Muhammad al-Ghazali (d. 505 H) in compiling the book of al- Mankhul min Ta'liq al-Usul.
13. The Book of Mughits al-Khalq fi Tarjih Qaul al-Haq. In this book, Imam Haramain explains the superiority of the Shafi'i school compared to other fiqh schools. This book was written after Imam Haramain finished the work of al-Burhan. Unfortunately, scholars from the Hanafi and Maliki schools saw Imam Haramain too fanatical with the Shafi'i school and too looked down on other schools. Therefore, Imam al-Kautsari of the Hanafi School made criticism and rebuttal of this book with his work entitled Ihqaq al-Haq bi Ibthal al-Bathil fi Mughits al-Khalq.
Students of Imam Haramain Imam Haramain has many students from all over the world. In fact, Imam as-Sam'ani in the book of al-Ansab said, "Allah blessed all the students of Imam Haramain so that many of them became authorities of scholars in various places. Among the students of Imam Haramain are:
1. al-Alim Al-Allamah Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali (d. 505 H), he was able to absorb all the science of jurisprudence and the science of ushul fiqh taught by Imam Haramain in a short amount of time. Among his books which are famous in the science of aqidah is al-Mustashfa.
2. al-Alim Al-Allamah Abu Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ali at-Tabari or better known as Imad ad-Din Ilkiya al-Harrasi. Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar al-Faris said, "Ilkiya al-Harrasi is the second al-Ghazali even more melodious voice, better debate style, better explanation than al-Ghazali. Even so, al-Ghazali is faster in explaining and arguing than Ilkiya al-Harrasi. "
3. Al-Imam Abu Nashr Abdurrahman bin Abdul Karim bin Hawazin al-Qusyairi or better known as Ibn Qusyairi (d. 514 H). He studied the knowledge of Usul Fiqh to Imam Haramain and Imam Haramain studied Hisab knowledge to Imam Ibn Qusyairi.
4. Al-Imam Abu Mudzoffar Ahmad bin Muhammad ibn al-Mudhaffar an-Naisabur or also nicknamed al-Khowwafi (d. 500 H). He is the best student of Imam Haramain who is an expert in debates. In fact, Ibn Asakir in the book of Tanbih Kidzb al-Muftari said, "Imam al-Ghazali was blessed with excellence in his writing while al-Khawwafi was gifted with excellence in his debating expertise."
Imam Haramain spent the rest of his life on jihad in the way of Allah. Until he died on the night of Wednesday after Isha 'prayer coincided with the 25th month of Rabiul Awwal year 478 H. He died at the age of 59 years over 3 months over 7 days. Also taking the lead in the prayer of the body of Imam Haramain included Abu Qasim, one of the sons of Imam Haramain.
Muhammad Tholhah al Fayyadl, student majoring in Ushuluddin University of al-Azhar Egypt, alumni of Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School
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