The days of Imam Shafi'i During Ramadan

Imam Shafi'i during his life divided his time into three nights, namely one third to write the book, one third for evening prayers, and one third to rest. Rabbi 'bin Sulaiman, one of the Shafi'i students who often stayed at his teacher's house said, "I have never seen Imam Shafi at his home unless he sleeps very little at night."
 The days of Imam Shafi'i During Ramadan

Another Imam Shafi'i student, Husain al-Karabisi, said "I stayed with Imam Shafi'i for 80 nights. I saw Imam Shafi'i praying for a third of the night. In his prayer Imam Shafi'i never read verses of the Qur'an less than 50 verses, sometimes he read one hundred verses. He always prayed for the good of all Muslims when reading verses relating to Allah's grace and he also prayed for the salvation of all Muslims when reading verses relating to adzab. "

Especially in the month of Ramadan, Imam Shafi'i has a worship service that is extraordinary. Rabbi 'bin Sulaiman recounted, "Every time Ramadan comes, Imam Shafi'i busied himself with reading the Qur'an. Usually the Shafi'i memorizes the Qur'an once in one night, especially during Ramadan the Shafi'i realizes the Qur'an once a day in the daytime and once at night. In one month of Ramadan Imam Shafi'i recites the Qur'an as much as 60 times.

One time at dawn, some Cairo city scholars visited the Shafi'i to discuss a complicated problem in the science of jurisprudence. When they entered the Shafi'i's house, they saw the Shafi'i reading the Qur'an. Then after they finished discussing the problems in the science of jurisprudence, Imam Shafi'i also rebuked them subtly, "(At the time of sahur) do you more concerned with studying the science of jurisprudence rather than reading the Qur'an? I really pray at night and incessantly I put the Qur'an in front of me until the time of dawn. Whoever studies Al-Qur'an is grand and whoever studies the science of jurisprudence is noble ”(Al-Baihaqi, Manaqib ash-Shafi'i, Darul Kutub al-Islamiyyah, 2011).

At a moment of Ramadan, in the midst of the recitation offered by Imam Shafi'i came a young man with a piece of paper. Rabbi 'bin Sulaiman as the closest pupil of Imam Shafi'i also offered a piece of paper to the Imam Shafi'i. In the paper is written a poem: سل العالم المكي هل من تزاور وضمة مشتاق الفؤاد جناح
 "Ask a pious man from the city of Mecca," Is it the sin of two people who meet each other and both gather all the desires in his heart "."

So Imam Shafi'i also wrote an answer to the youth's poem:
 معاذ الله أن يذهب التقى تلاصق أكباد بهن جراح
"I take refuge in Allah from the loss of piety, the attachment of the heart between them is a sin."

Seeing Imam Shafi'i's answer, Rabbi ’bin Sulaiman also felt confusion about what happened between Imam Shafi'i and the young man. Rabbi 'bin Sulaiman also asked Imam Shafi'i about the purpose of the young man's question and Imam Shafi'i's answer.

Imam Shafi'i also replied, "O Rabbi," the young man is someone who has a noble character, he has just been married in this month of Ramadan and he asked me, 'Can you kiss or touch his wife without intimate relations while he is fasting?' I also gave an answer like that ". Rabbi 'bin Sulaiman also asked the accuracy of Imam Shafi'i's answer to the young man and the young man confirmed all of Shafi'i's answers (Abu Nuaim al-Ashfahani, Hilyatul Auliya'wa Thabaqat al-Ashfiya', Darul Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2010) .

Muhammad Tholhah al Fayyadl, student majoring in Ushuluddin University of al-Azhar Egypt, alumni of Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School


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