Is it permissible to recite Azan Shallu fi Rihalikum or Buyutikum fi?

Assalam wr alaikum wr. wb. Editor of NU Online, a video circulating containing the call to prayer of a mosque in the Middle East with the pronunciation "Shallu fi rihalikum." Muazin in this video asks anyone who hears his admonition to pray at home due to the Covid-19 emergency. Therefore, some mosques in Indonesia also echo the same call to prayer.
 Is it permissible to recite Azan Shallu fi Rihalikum or Buyutikum fi?

The question is, is there any information about this problem? Please explain. thanks. Wassalamu ‘alaikum wr. wb. (servant of God / Bekasi)

The answer
Assalam wr alaikum wr. wb. Dear Questioner, may Allah SWT send His mercy to us all. In early 2020, the world community, including Muslims, was shocked by the spread of Covid-19, a deadly virus that can be transmitted through direct contact. Muslims decide to temporarily stop the worship that is carried out together such as Friday prayer, congregational prayer, and other religious warnings such as haul, tabligh akbar, isra mi'raj, and so forth. All worship activities especially Friday prayers were postponed temporarily, especially in the Covid-19 red zone, and prayer in congregation at the mosque was done at home.
As for the matter of adding or changing the recitation of the call to prayer, we find in the hadith of various prophets of the same pronunciation, namely shallu fi rihalikum, shallu fi buyutikum, or shallu fir rihal. This additional pronunciation or change of pronunciation is echoed when it is raining, strong winds, or other aging. Friends of Ibn Abbas RA and Ibn Umar RA pronounce it differently. Companions of Ibn Abbas inserted the pronunciation "shallū fir rihāl" or "shallū fī buyūtikum" instead of the cry "hayya‘ alas shalāh. " While the friend of Ibn Umar recited "shallū fir rihāl" after all the call to prayer was echoed. Additional provisions according to Ibn Umar RA or changes according to Ibn Abbas RA raised in the Shafi'i school of fiqh, among others. Imam An-Nawawi reviews it with almost the same explanation in two different books.
قوله (العاشرة) قال الشافعي رحمه الله تعالي في آخر أبواب الاذان إذا كانت ليلة مطيرة أو ذات ريح وظلمة يستحب ان يقول المؤذن إذا فرغ من اذانه الا صلوا في رحالكم قال فان قاله في اثناء الاذان بعد الحيعلة فلا بأس هذا نصه وهكذا نقله البندنيجي وقطع به وهكذا صرح به الصيدلانى وصاحب العدة والشاشى وآخرون ذكروه بحروفه التى نقلتها واحتجوا له بالحديث الذى سأذكره ان شاء الله تعالي واستبعد امام الحرمين قوله في اثناء الاذان وقال تغيير الاذان من غير سبب مستبعد ذكره في كتاب صلاة الجماعة وهذا الذى استبعده ليس ببعيد بل هو الحق والسنة فقد ثبت ذلك في أحاديث كثيرة في الصحي حين بعد الاذان وفي اثنائه
It means, "(Tenth) Imam As-Shafi'i RA said at the end of the azan chapter, if the night is rainy or windy and dark, the muezzin is recommended to add the pronunciation of" Alā shallu fi rihālikum "after completing the adzant pronunciation. But if he inserts it after reciting Hay‘alah (Hayya Alas Shalah and Hayya Alal Falah). That is the As-Shafi'i text. Nash was quoted and decided by Al-Bandaniji.

Likewise, As-Shaydalani, the writer of Al-Uddah, As-Syasyi, and other scholars quoted it letter by letter exactly as I quoted. They argued with the hadith that, God willing, I will mention before. Imam Al-Haramain considers the opinion "inserted in the middle of the call to prayer" too far. According to him, the change to the recitation of the call to prayer without a cause was too far away as mentioned in the chapter of the congregational prayer. Though the opinion is not far, even true and sunnah as based on many hadiths in the history of Bukhari and Muslim about the addition of the recitation in the middle of the call to prayer and after the call to prayer is completed, "(Imam An-Nawawi, Al-Majmu ', Syarhul Muhazzab, [Beirut, Al-Maktabah At-Taufiqiyyah: 2010 M], juz III, page 119).

In the Book of Raudhatut Thalibin, Imam An-Nawawi explains with a similar description. Here he said that the addition or alteration of the call to prayer does not damage the call to prayer, certainly as long as there are justifications that are justified in the Shari'a.
قال في التهذيب لو زاد في الأذان ذكرا أو زاد في عدده لم يفسد أذانه ... قال صاحب العدة وإذا كانت ليلة مطيرة أو ذات ريح وظلمة يستحب أن يقول إذا فرغ من أذانه ألا صلوا في رحالكم فإن قاله في أثناء الأذان بعد الحيعلة فلا بأس وكذا قاله الصيدلاني والبندنيجي والشاشي وغيرهم واستبعد إمام الحرمين قوله في أثناء الأذان وليس هو ببعيد بل هو الحق والسنة فقد نص عليه الشافعي رضي الله عنه في آخر أبواب الأذان في الأم وقد ثبت في الصحيحين عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما
It means, "In the Book of At-Tahdzib it is said, if the muezzin adds remembrance to the call to prayer or add to the prayer number of the call to prayer, then the action does not damage the call to prayer ... add the pronunciation of "Alā shallu fi rihālikum" after the azanan is complete. But if he inserts it after reciting Hay‘alah (Hayya Alas Shalah and Hayya Alal Falah), then it does not matter as the opinion of As-Shaydalani, Al-Bandaniji, As-Syasyi, and other scholars
Imam Al-Haramain considers the last opinion too far. Though the opinion is not far, even true and sunnah as the Imam Shafi'i text at the end of the azan Al-Umm chapter. This opinion is based on the hadith of Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Abbas RA "(Imam An-Nawawi, Raudhatut Thalibin wa Umadatul Muftin, [Beirut, Darul Fikr: 2005 M / 1425-1426 H], juz I, pages 231-232). The following is a narration of the history of the Muslim Imam who tells the command of Ibn Abbas RA to insert "shallū fī buyūtikum" as a substitute for the call "hayya‘ alas shalāh. "
عن عبد الله بن عباس أنه قال لمؤذنه في يوم مطير إذا قلت أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله فلا تقل حي على الصلاة قل صلوا في بيوتكم قال فكأن الناس استنكروا ذاك فقال أتعجبون من ذا قد فعل ذا من هو خير مني إن الْجُمُعَةَ عَزْمَةٌ وَإِنِّي كَرِهْتُ أَنْ أُحْرِجَكُمْ فَتَمْشُوا فِي الطِّينِ وَالدَّحْضِ
It means, "From Ibn Abbas RA, he said to his muezzin on a rainy day, 'If you have read' Asyhadu an lā ilāha illallāhu, asyhadu anna muhammadan rasūlullāh, 'do not you continue with the cry of' hayya 'alas shalāh,' but cried 'shallūrūh. fi buyūtikum. '' People seem to deny the command of Ibn Abbas RA. He then said, ‘Are you surprised by this problem? Even though this has been done by someone better than me.

Really Friday is mandatory. but I don't like to trouble you so you walk on the ground and it is slippery. '(Muslim HR). The following is a narration of the history of the Muslim Imam who recounts the call to prayer Ibn Umar RA to finish his call with "shallū fī rihālikum" because he had witnessed the Prophet Muhammad in one time asking his muezzin to do the same.
نافع عن ابن عمر أنه نادى بالصلاة في ليلة ذات برد وريح ومطر فقال في آخر ندائه ألا صلوا في رحالكم ألا صلوا في الرحال ثم قال إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يأمر المؤذن إذا كانت ليلة باردة أو ذات مطر في السفر أن يقول ألا صلوا فِي رِحَالِكُمْ
It means, "From Nafi", from Ibn Umar that he echoes the call to prayer on a cold, windy and rainy night. At the end of the call to prayer he called out, ‘alā shallū fī rihālikum. Alā shallū fir rihāl. ’Then he said that the Messenger of Allah had ordered a muezzin when the night passed cold or rain on his way to call‘ alā shallū fī rihālikum, ’” (Muslim HR).

That is the information we get about the addition or change of the call to prayer in certain situations, including the emergency spread of the Covid-19 outbreak in early 2020. Thus our short answer. Hopefully it can be understood properly. We are always open in accepting criticism and suggestions from readers.


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