Suggestions for Longevity Prayer During Rajab and Sya'ban
When entering the Month of Rajab, Muslims are encouraged to ask for the blessing of life to Allah SWT. They are encouraged to ask for a long life of prayer during the month of Rajab in order to experience the glorious month of Shaytan and Ramadan. The prayers that are commonly read are as follows:
اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِيْ رَجَبَ وَشَعْبَانَ وَبَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَانَ
Allâhumma bârik lanâ fî Rajaba wa Sya‘bâna wa ballighnâ Ramadhânâ
It means, "O God, bless us in the Month of Rajab and the Month of Shaytan.
Convey us with Ramadan. " Longevity prayer was also exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad as the following hadith history:
كان إذا دخل رجب قال اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان
It means, "If entering the month of Rajab, the Prophet prayed," O Allah, bless us on the Month of Rajab and the Shaytan.
Convey us to the month of Ramadhan. '"Sheikh Ibn Rajab concluded that this narration encourages Muslims to ask for a long life with the intention to increase kindness and good deeds in the future.
Ibn Rajab's view was quoted by Sheikh Abdur Rauf Al-Munawi when presenting the following collection of hadith Jami‘us Shaghir:
قال ابن رجب: فيه أن دليل ندب الدعاء بالبقاء إلى الأزمان الفاضلة لإدراك الأعمال الصالحة فيها فإن المؤمن ليه ل. إدإإإإإإإإإإإإ إإإخخخإإ
That is, "Sheikh Ibn Rajab said, in this hadith there is the proposition of longevity prayer until the main times (Ramadan) in order to be able to do good deeds at these times. The reason is, the age of believers does not increase but their kindness increases, "(See Abdur Rauf Al-Munawi, Faidhul Qadir bi Syarhi Jami'is Shaghir, [Beirut, Darul Makrifah, 1972 M / 1391 H], second printing, juz V, page 131 ).
From this information we can conclude that good intentions and good intentions should be a concern for us in asking for a long life, namely the intention of virtuous deeds and improving ourselves to fill the remaining life. Allah knows best.
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