Prayer of the Prophet to Avoid Disease like Covid-19
The corona virus or Covid-19 becomes a contagious epidemic or contagious disease, which attacks a number of people in large areas through direct skin contact. Covid-19 in early 2020 has claimed many deaths in Indonesia after previously in China and Iran. In situations like this, we are encouraged to pray to God as a place of refuge from all evil and evil that exist on earth. The following chanting was taught by the Messenger of Allah to protect against plague and other terrible diseases.
اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ البَرَصِ ، والجُنُونِ ، والجُذَامِ ، وَسَيِّئِ الأسْقَامِ
Allāhumma innī a‘ūdzu bika minal barashi, wal junūni, wal judzāmi, wa sayyi’il asqāmi.
It means, "O God, I protect you from leprosy, madness, leprosy and bad diseases."
This prayer is narrated by Abu Dawud with isnaad Saheeh: وروينا في كتابي أبي داود والنسائي بإسنادين صحيحين عن أنس - رضي الله عنه -: أن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - كان يقول اللهم إني أعوذ بك من البرص, والجنون, والجذام, وسييء الأسقام . رواه أَبُو داود بإسناد صحيحٍ
It means, "It was narrated to us in the books of Abu Dawud and An-Nasa'i with good sanad from Anas - radliyallahu anhu - Prophet Muhammad SAW prayed, 'O God, I protect you from leprosy, madness, leprosy and bad diseases. . '(Reported by Abu Dawud with authentic sahad.
"Abdul Muhsin Al-Abbad in Syarah Abu Dawud interpreted the word" sayyi'il asqam "or bad diseases in this hadith as a variety of diseases that make ugly and dangerous to humans. Whereas M Syamsul Haqqil Azhim Abadi in the Book of Aunul Ma‘bud understands "sayyi‘il asqam" as an epidemic such as tuberculosis, edema, and other diseases.
As for Abu Abdillah Ar-Rahmani Al-Mubarakfuri in the Book of Mir'atul Mafatih Syarh Misykatil Mashabih citing the opinion of Ibn Malik who said that this bad disease is a disease in which other people protect themselves from the sufferer, where they do not benefit from the patient and the patient does not benefit from them. With this illness, the patient or victim cannot carry out obligations towards God and his creatures. For this disease, we are dedicated to protect ourselves. Sheikh Abdur Rauf Al-Munawi in the Al-Jaysir Shari Al-Jami'is Shaghir said, the Messenger of Allah took refuge from all these illnesses as a form of statement of his piety to Allah or teaching his people. While the first three diseases called (leprosy, crazy, and leprosy) are included as a bad disease.
But all three remain to be called because the three diseases are the most hated by the Arabs. As said by Al-Munawi, prayer is a form of expression of our faith in Allah. As for prevention, the community must still follow the technical instructions from the medical and government policies in their daily activities during a virus emergency situation. Wallau Islam.
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