The Prayer and Actions of the Prophet during Heavy Rain and Strong Winds

In parts of Indonesia, heavy rains continued to flood until the floods. Not a few people who fled. Houses are damaged, food is limited, and disease lurks. In addition to professional handling, spiritual support is also needed in the form of prayer, so that flooding does not happen again, or at least can minimize its impact. In some narrations, every time there was going to rain and big wind (tornado) Rasulullah SAW always read prayers or do something. Imam Abu Bakr al-Thuthusyi al-Andalusi (450-520 H) summarizes the narrations in his book, al-Du'a al-Ma'tsûr wa Âdâbuhu wa Mâ Yajibu 'alâ al-Dâ'î Ityâ'nuhu wa Ijtinâbuhu .
 The Prayer and Actions of the Prophet during Heavy Rain and Strong Winds

First, the Messenger of Allah opened or exposed his clothes when it rained. Imam Abu Bakr al-Thurthusyi note: وروي مسلم في صحيحه, وأبو داود عن أنس قال: كان النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم إذا رأي المطر كشف ثوبه, وقال أبو داود: يحسر ثوبه عنه ثم اتفقا حتي أصابه, فقلنا: يا رسول الله, لم صنعت هذا؟ فال: لأنه حديث عهد بربه "Narrated Muslim (Imam) in his Sahih, and (Imam) Abu Dawud, from Anas, he said:" The Prophet when he saw the rain, he opened his shirt. " (Another narration from the Imam) Abu Dawud, (Anas) said: "The Prophet took his clothes off until it was exposed to rain." We said: "O Messenger of Allah, why are you doing this?" The Prophet replied: "Because rain is a gift given by God" (Imam Abu Bakr al-Thuthusyi al-Andalusi, al-Du'a al-Ma'tsûr wa Âdâbuhu wa Mâ Yajibu 'alâ al-Dâ'î Ityâ'nuhu wa Ijtinâbuhu , Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2002, p. 170).
The meaning of the sentence, "liannahu hadîts‘ ahd bi rabbihi, "in the above hadith, according to Imam al-Nawawi is:
معناه أن المطر رحمة وهي قريبة العهد بخلق الله تعالى لها فيتبرك بها وفي هذا الحديث دليل لقول أصحانن لله لها فيتبرك.
"Meaning, in fact the rain is a blessing, that is the mercy that Allah has just created, then the Messenger of Allah clashed (took blessing) with the rain. This hadith is an argument for the opinion of ashab syafi'iyyah (mazhab syafi'i) that it is actually made at the beginning (the fall) of rain to open (clothes) other than the genitals until exposed to rain "(Imam Yahya bin Syarraf al-Nawawi, Shahîh Muslim bi Syarh al-Nawawi, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilimiyyah, 2017, juz 3, p. 173).
Also read: Famine and the Prophet Muhammad's Prayer Asking for the Second Rain, the Prophet's prayer when he saw the dark clouds (thick clouds). He would hurry to leave all his work and immediately read the following prayer (HR. Imam Abu Dawud, Imam Ahmad, and Imam al-Baihaqi):
وروت عائشة رضي الله عنها أن النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم كان إذا رأي ناشئا في أفق السماء ترك العمل, وإن كان في الصلاة ثم يقول: ((اللهم إني أعوذ بك من شرها)) فإن أمطرنا قال: (اللهم صيبا هنيئا)
"Narrated Sayyidah Ayesha ra. verily the Prophet SAW when he saw the black clouds in the sky, he immediately left work, even though he was praying, then said: "Allahumma innî a'ûdzu bika min syarrih" (O God, in fact I protect you from the ugliness of this cloud). " And when it rains,
 he said: "Allahumma shayyiban nâfi’an (yes Allah sends down rain that brings benefits and pleasure)." (Imam Abu Bakr al-Thuthusyi al-Andalusi, al-Du'a al-Ma'tsûr wa Âdâbuhu wa Mâ Yajibu ‘alâ al-Dâ'î Ityânnnuhu wa Ijtinâbuhu, pp. 170-171)

Third, a history that explains the etiquette of a believer when he sees or encounters a large wind so that the wind does not become disastrous and disastrous. The following hadith (HR. Imam Abu Dawud, Imam al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Ahmad): عن أبي هريرة قال: سمعت النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم يقول: الريح من روح الله تعالي تأتي بالرحمة وتأتي بالعذاب, فإذا رأيتموها فلا تسبوها واسألوا الله خيرها واستعيذوا بالله من شرها
 "From Sayyidina Abu Hurairah ra. he said: "I heard the Prophet SAW say:‘ The wind is part of God's gift, can bring mercy and can also bring punishment.
If you see it, do not reproach it, ask God for his goodness and take refuge in God from his ugliness. " (Imam Abu Bakr al-Thuthusyi al-Andalusi, al-Du'a al-Ma'tsûr wa Âdâbuhu wa Mâ Yajibu ‘alâ al-Dâ'î Ityânnnuhu wa Ijtinâbuhu, p. 171)

Fourth, the prayer of the Prophet when he saw the clouds. He requested that the cloud that brought rain not be the cause of doom or disaster, but a blessing. Following is the history (HR. Imam Ibn Majah and Imam al-Nasai): 
وروي عن ابن المسيب أن رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم كان إذا رأي السحاب قال: 
"It was narrated from Ibn al-Musayyab, the Messenger of Allah, when he saw the clouds, he said:" Allahumma saiba rahmatin wa lâsaiba ‘adzâbin" (O Allah, give mercy and do not give punishment). " (Imam Abu Bakr al-Thuthusyi al-Andalusi, al-Du'a al-Ma'tsûr wa Âdâbuhu wa Mâ Yajibu 'alâ al-Dâ'î Ityâ'nuhu wa Ijtinâbuhu, pp. 170-171) 
May we avoid everything disaster, and may we be made aware to always pray to Him. Allah knows best bish-shawwab ....

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