Friday Prayer Law Online or Live Streaming via Social Media
Assalamu alaikum wr. wb. Dear NU Online Editor, people in some countries in Europe continue to carry out online Friday prayers in the middle of the mosque's closure because of Covid-19. They directly followed the Friday prayer from their respective residences. How is the explanation of religion? thanks. Wassalamu 'alakum wr. wb. (Zaki Mubarok / South Tangerang).
Answer Assalamu aik alaikum wr. wb.
Dear questioner and reader. May Allah give His mercy to all of us. The implementation of Friday prayers from each residence guided by imams and preachers through radio broadcasts such as in London and live broadcasts / live streaming via Facebook accounts in Finland becomes an alternative amid efforts to prevent Covid-19 through maintaining physical distance and social distancing or social restrictions .
The thing to remember is that Friday prayer must be held in congregation. The problem lies among others here. In our opinion, as far as the principle of congregational prayer is fulfilled, Friday prayers with live streaming via social media or mainstream media such as radio stations can be an alternative for Friday prayers in the midst of Covid-19 prevention. Ulama describe at least three positions of imams and congregations in congregational prayers.
First, both are in the same building, the mosque.
Second, both are in open ground.
Third, the imam is in the mosque. While the public is outside the mosque. In this third point, scholars have different opinions.
Shafi'ite scholars make more detailed provisions regarding the third point. They stated that the distance between the priest and the congregation did not exceed 300 cubits and should not be obstructed by anything. That is, in this context, the public must follow the live stream broadcast of the imam / preacher that is broadcast from the nearest mosque without being hindered by anything. The Shafi'i school calculates the distance between the Imam and the General does not exceed 300 cubits more or less based on the urf (more than three cubits are still permissible), which is calculated from the end of the shaf in the mosque, the end of the mosque, or the neutral yard between the mosque of dead land. The Syafi'i School declared invalid Friday prayers where something was blocking the imam at the mosque and then at home. While Imam Atha does not dispute the distance between the priest and the general public. According to him, prayer in congregation (and Friday) remained valid even though the two were a mile or so away as far as they knew the movement of the priest. (See Imam An-Nawawi, Al-Majmu ', Syarhul Muhadzdzab, [Beirut, Al-Maktabah At-Taufiqiyyah: 2010 CE], juz IV, page 182). Imam Malik said that praying in congregation were both legal, except for Friday prayers. While Imam Abu Hanifah stated that the implementation of the Imam's and General's prayers remained valid both the congregational prayers and Friday prayers.
لو صلى في دار أو نحوها بصلاة الامام في المسجد وحال بينهما حائل لم يصح عندنا وبه قال احمد وقال لا بين بين لا ويات ويالية
It means, "If someone is praying at home or the like by following the prayer of the Imam in the mosque - while both are blocked by something - then the prayer is invalid according to us (the Shafi'i school).
Imam Ahmad also has the same opinion. According to Imam Malik, holding congregational prayers like this is valid except for Friday prayers. But for Abu Hanifah, such prayers are absolutely valid (both Friday prayers and congregations), "(An-Nawawi, 2010 M: IV / 182).
Our late teacher KHM Shafi'i Hadzami (Rais Syuriyah PBNU 1994-1999 AD) once discussed a similar problem, namely the sick. While our discussion is intended for healthy people. Muallim Shafi'i Hadzami (1931-2006 AD) in the mid 1970s tried to answer the question of how if someone was seriously ill which he answered through the views of the Shafi'i school. Can someone who is seriously ill follow Friday by listening to the radio while lying down / lying down? "The sick who can excuse me to leave Friday prayers of course can listen to the sermon through the transistor in his home, while lying in his bed. However, he could not take part in the Friday prayer held at the mosque which was far from his home as far as three hundred cubits or he was more prominent in the direction of Qibla than the mosque's imam who heard his voice on the radio. As a result, he could not, as long as the conditions for the congregation were not fulfilled, including no walls between him and the priest. Besides, if the electricity fails or the battery runs out, the congregation will be deadlocked. As a result, there are many mawani tidak who do not authorize worship in congregation to the priest on the radio. Praying for priests radio, funny as it sounds. I see a ta'liq in the second juz of the Book of Fiqhussunnah for Assayyid Sabiq, page 121 as follows: أفتى العلماء بعدم صحة الصلاة خلف الراديو It means, 'Has an ulama with the absence of a legitimate prayer behind the radio' i Hadzami, Taudhihul Adillah, 100 Religious Issues, [Holy, Holy Tower: 1982 CE], juz III, page 180). KHM Shafi'i Hadzami also cites An-Nawawi's Al-Majmu 'which gives a choice between Friday prayers at the mosque or midday prayers for people who are not affected by Friday obligations. But he did not recommend Friday prayer behind the radio. (Hadzami, 1982 M: 181). If you follow the views of Syafi'iyyah scholars and Ahmad bin Hanbal with a record without obstacles; and the view of Imam Abu Hanifah which states the validity of the Friday prayer where the Imam is at the mosque and at home, then the points that need to be considered in Friday prayers by live streaming or live broadcast via social media is a matter of general knowledge of the Imam's movement. This is crucial in the implementation of Friday prayers which require congregation because there are provisions in which the congregation must not be left behind from the priest some pillars or the movement of the priest. الشرط الثاني العلم بالأفعال الظاهرة من صلاة الامام وهذا لا بد منه نص عليه الشافعي واتفق عليه الأصحاب ثم العلم قد يكون بمشاهدة الامام أو مشاهدة بعض الصفوف وقد يكون بسماع صوت الامام أو صوت المترجم في حق الأعمى والبصير الذي لا يشاهد لظلمة أو غيرها وقد يكون بهداية غيره إذا كان أعمى أو أصم في ظلمة It means, "The second condition is knowing the physical movements of the Imam's prayer. Of course this can't be or not, as the As-Shafi'i text and ashab agreed. Then, knowledge (of the movement of the priest) can occur by witnessing the priest or witnessing part of the rites. Knowledge can also occur by listening to the voice of the priest or the voice of a translator for blind disability worshipers / worshipers who see but cannot witness due to dark factors or other factors. It can occur with other clues if worshipers with visual disabilities or deaf people in the dark, "(Imam An-Nawawi, Raudhatut Thalibin wa Umdatul Muftin, [Beirut, Darul Fikr: 2005 M / 1425-1426 H], juz I, page 357 ).
Therefore, to avoid being left behind by the Imam's movement, the mosque that broadcasts live broadcasts and also needs to prepare adequate digital devices to maximize congregational accuracy. They need to ensure signal, battery, quota, sufficient volume, tripod, and other devices. Besides that, the general public must also pay attention to its position with the position of the priest in relation to those who carry out Friday prayers online. Do not let the general position be ahead of the Imam as per the general provisions regarding prayer in congregation. Friday prayers online still do not reduce other demands in Friday worship, namely maintaining Friday's holiness and listening attentively to two Friday sermons.
The Friday prayer through live social media broadcasts from a nearby mosque can be an alternative for Muslim residents amid Covid-19 prevention which requires keeping physical distance when mosque facilities are inadequate to comply with the Covid-19 protocol. Thus our short answer. Hopefully it can be understood properly. We are always open in accepting criticism and suggestions from readers. Wallahul muwaffiq ila aqwathih tariq Wassalamu ‘alaikum wr. wb.
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