Pandemic Not Controlled, What To Do?

The Corona Virus pandemic causing Covid-19 in several countries has ended or ended. A number of countries in Europe have opened a Lockdown policy. Even hospitals in Italy are reported to be quiet, with no Covid-19 patients. Austria has reopened school activities.
 Pandemic Not Controlled, What To Do?

Likewise with countries like South Korea. Activity in the country of ginseng is back to normal. Public spaces have been opened. Taiwan is also the same. The country, which is located on Formosa Island, has not been found in the Covid-19 confirmation case in recent days. Countries in Southeast Asia such as Vietnam, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam outbreak have been completed. While Malaysia, the Philippines outbreak is under control. Likewise in Singapore, which recently reportedly had opened flights. Although many cases are found, it is Singapore's effort in the process of early detection of virus transmission from person to person so that further prevention and treatment can be done. What about the Republic of Indonesia?

The Lockdown policy in several countries was adopted by the Government of Indonesia by applying large-scale social restrictions or PSBB. Does not close completely, but still provides leeway, especially regarding the basic needs of the community. How does the policy proceed because the accumulative daily cases continue to increase? On May 13, 2020, Covid-19 daily cases reached the highest number of 689 cases.
The following are excerpts from an interview by Journalist NU Online, Fathoni Ahmad with an Epidemiologist from the University of Indonesia (UI) Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Dr. Syahrizal Syarif recently in Jakarta.

Compared to other countries, how do you see the development of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia? There are only 10 countries in Southeast Asia that weigh only two, namely Indonesia and Singapore. So the 10 countries in Southeast Asia are two still under pressure, two countries are under control, and six are finished. I mean, the Indonesian people must continue to be optimistic and enthusiastic. PSBB must be strict, the public must not be stubborn. It also Singapore since April 20, 2020 has reached the peak of the case. The daily report was one thousand four hundred at the peak. It was already the second peak. The first peak was in Singapore before there were migrants from South Asia such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. The peak was only 73 cases, it was on March 25, 2020. Singapore has been down for several days. This means that Singapore can control the Covid-19 Pandemic. So Indonesia and Singapore are still heavy, Malaysia and the Philippines have started to go down and six other countries have practically finished. European countries are all loose. The case has gone down. This is still heavy UK and Russia, but others like Italy, Spain, the hospital is empty there are no patients.

What about the PSBB policy, which until now seems to have not succeeded in controlling the plague? Some countries have succeeded in reducing the number of corona cases because they conduct strict PSBB for all regions (nationally). Therefore, the PSBB policy which must go through a central permit must be removed for areas that are clearly red zone status. Immediately, all red zone areas must be PSBB. The issue is that regional governments must compensate for their economic impact, the local government can adjust according to ability. Strict PSBB is proven to prevent and reduce Covid-19 transmission in various countries. The government must immediately implement PSBB in all red zone areas. Tightening should be done so that cases can quickly subside, where there are people who want this plague for a long time.

Are there other policies besides Lockdwon and PSBB? There are no new things that need to be done in the corona prevention policy. The new thing is, the regions that have extended the PSBB, it's time to impose sanctions. But for those who are experiencing economic hardship, it must still be helped. Sanctions can be directed at companies that continue to force their operations so that employees inevitably have to leave and leave the house. Likewise when there are more than 5 people crowding, not wearing masks, and not keeping a distance.

As for the outbreak, how can the Covid-19 outbreak be completed? The plague could be said to end if within 28 days there were no new cases. Large-scale social restrictions can be relaxed if more than a week or 14 days the case continues to decline. On May 13, 2020 the Covid-19 Prevention National Task Force reported the highest daily cases, namely 689 cases. This means that Indonesia is the only country in ASEAN to re-enter the country with an out of control epidemic. So the reported daily cases do not describe daily cases. Some time ago there was a long PCR queue due to the scarcity of Virus Transportation Media (VTM) and Reagent for its RNA extraction. So the reported cases will range between 250-500 depending on the existence of VTM and Reagent.

Effective is the CBDR Policy? The issue of effectiveness does not lie in the PSBB policy, but the implementation of the policy. When the rules in the PSBB are implemented with strict supervision, it is definitely effective. The impact of PSBB results depends on whether the policies are implemented according to procedures or not. In the beginning there were indeed hundreds of companies that were raided, then sealed because they remained open and heeded no PSBB policy. The PSBB policy also applies to road or traffic. If the PSBB rules in traffic run, effectiveness will be achieved. But if there are still many people who don't wear masks, ride motorbikes or walk without wearing masks, PSBB means it hasn't gone well. If we see motorcycle taxi drivers gathering more than five people, it means that PSBB is not working. Or if we still see a crowd in the market, it means that it hasn't worked. Because the market is allowed to open that should not be allowed.

How should PSBB be applied? Now is not the time to socialize PSBB anymore. The sanctions are clear in the Law. Moreover, the PSBB has been extended, it is time to impose sanctions. Of course sanctions must be adjusted to everything. Because people who have not carried out PSBB all this time, in my opinion are not categories of people who don't know, but people who are stubborn. Stubborn people who don't care about or even oppose PSBB policies. If you obey, you must be firmly sanctioned. If the PSBB is implemented properly, it should have an impact on the daily report in 20 days. If the government believes that the PSBB is effective in reducing cases, then there is no need for that licensed PSBB. The red zone immediately applies PSBB only.

In your opinion, when does the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia end? The outbreak might end in July 2020. But maybe what has been completed by DKI Jakarta first, then Java and outside Java, the range of difference can be 1 month considering the readiness, handling, and health facilities that each region has. (*)


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