Tarawih in the House of Efforts to Protect the Sanctity of the Mosque from Viruses

Cirebon, NU Online, Nurse of Pondok Buntet Islamic Boarding School KH Muhammad Abbas Billy Yachsyi said that tarawih prayer at home is an effort to maintain the sanctity of the mosque in the midst of the current Corona virus pandemic. "We are trying to preserve the sanctity of the house of God, the mosque, so that there is no virus," he said while giving an explanation in the recitation of the Jalalain Tafsir which he read on Saturday (4/25) morning. 
 Tarawih in the House of Efforts to Protect the Sanctity of the Mosque from Viruses

Because, according to him, viruses are more dangerous than unclean. The unclean chicken manure, he said, could not enter the mosque because it contained something dirty, let alone a dangerous virus. "So do not look unclean or not, but in terms of danger," said Kang Babas, familiar greeting. Prayers at home do not mean keeping Muslims away from their places of worship, mosques. People who think that way, he explained, are part of people who love religion without science. Such mindset must be changed as above. Because, Kang Babas explained that getting closer to Allah SWT does not have to be in the mosque.

Sayidah Rabiah al-Adawiyah also bermunajat in the room. Even with the Prophet Joseph who received revelations while in prison and the Prophet Moses obtained his revelations when in the mountains. "Being merciful to God in the room can also be. It doesn't have to be in the mosque, "he said. As is well known, the scholars from various countries in the world decided to divert worshipers from the mosque to their homes in order to prevent dangerous things from happening, namely the spread of the Covid-19 virus which is currently becoming a pandemic. "In deciding on this epidemic, Friday was replaced by noon. Prayers at home. Tarawihnya at home. Yes, it doesn't matter, "said the kiai, who graduated from India in higher education. The Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) also appealed to the community to hold tarawih prayers at home. 

"Tarawih prayer is enough at home," said PBNU Chairperson KH Said Aqil Siroj at the PBNU Building on Thursday (23/4). Kiai Said also asked the community to abolish open sharing activities which were usually done in Ramadan in previous years. According to him, this was part of the effort that needed to be pursued. "Don't be reckless! Don't be careless! We must try everything according to medical rules, "he stressed. Implementing the above also, explained Kiai Said, is part of the implementation of Allah's commands. which obliges people to protect themselves and forbids them to plunge themselves into destruction. "That is also God's command that we take care of our health and our safety," he concluded.

Source: https://www.nu.or.id/

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