The law equalizes the final prostration in the congregational prayer
Assalam wr alaikum wr. wb. NU Online editor, I want to ask. I often stop at mosques in offices to take part in congregational prayers. Many of the priests put the final prostration over the previous prostrations which made me feel alarmed. Can the priest do that? Please explain. thanks.
Wassalamu ‘alaikum wr. wb. (Hasan / Jakarta)
Answer Assalamu aik alaikum wr. wb.
Dear Questioner, may Allah SWT send His mercy to us all. At the time of prostration, we are encouraged to pray a lot to God. By multiplying the prayer, our prostration will appear long. This suggestion is recorded in several books of hadith as follows:
عن أبي هريرة أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال أقرب ما يكون العبد من ربه وهو ساجد فأكثروا الدعاء
It means, "From Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah SAW said," The closest moment of a servant and his Lord is when prostration. Therefore, multiply the prayer at that time, '' (Muslim HR, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa’i). However, the act of prolonging the duration of prostration to be filled with many prayers is understood by the ulama as enactment when the prayer itself or the sunnah prayer is not prescribed in congregation. As for the congregational prayers, the priest is recommended to read the short letters of the Qur'an in his congregational prayers and continue to perfect the bow, itidal, and prostration through tuma'ninah and the recommended reading as usual. This prayer relief was ordered by the Messenger of Allah for those who lead in the midst of many people who have a variety of personal conditions, ranging from the elderly, the weak, the sick, or people who have other needs.
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا صلى أحدكم للناس فليخفف فإن في الناس الضعيف والسقيم وذا الحاجة وإذا صلى أحدكم لنفسه, فليطول ما شاء
It means, "Rasulullah SAW said," If one of you leads the people he should be relieved because in the midst of the congregation there are the Da'eef, the sick, and those who have degrees (elderly people in other narrations). But if he performs his own prayers, he may put prayers according to his wishes, '' (Reported by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud).
This discussion was raised by KHM Syafi'i Hadzami (Rais Syuriyah PBNU 1994-1999 AD) in his fatwa collection, the Taudhihul Adillah Book, juz II, which we quote as follows: a state that is closest to a servant to his Lord, but there is no takhshish that determines it at the last prostration, "(KH Syafi'I Hadzami, Taudhihul Adillah, [Holy, Holy Tower: 1982 CE], juz II, 134-135).
"But for the Imam of an unlimited number of people, or those who are not known for their good pleasure to extend their prayers, the priest should not exaggerate the prayer beads in his prostration three times, and not the sunnah to add any prayers, even to lighten the prayer, in order to gain the benefit of the weak, the sick, the old, and those who have needs or work that must be completed, then in this case the priest is blessed to ease his prayer, "(KHM Syafi'i Hadzami, 1982 M: II / 135).
"But for the Imam of an unlimited number of people, or those who are not known for their good pleasure to extend their prayers, the priest should not exaggerate the prayer beads in his prostration three times, and not the sunnah to add any prayers, even to lighten the prayer, in order to gain the benefit of the weak, the sick, the old, and those who have needs or work that must be completed, then in this case the priest is blessed to ease his prayer, "(KHM Syafi'i Hadzami, 1982 M: II / 135).
The practice of multiplying prayers at prostration is rather problematic to practice in congregational prayers because the conditions are different. In addition, not all people understand the prayer recommendations and know any prayer readings so as to cause misgivings in the hearts of pilgrims, both practiced at every prostration, initial prostration, and the final prostration. The Prophet himself, when he led the priest, paid attention to the congregation who became his congregants so that they would not pray in a state of anxiety because the Imam would put his prayer in or one part of his prayer.
عن أنس بن مالك قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إني لأدخل الصلاة أريد إطالتها فأسمع بكاء الصبي فأخفف من شدة وجد أمه به
It means, "From Anas bin Malik's best friend, he said, Rasulullah SAW said, 'Really I entered a prayer, I wanted to call it, but I heard the cry of a child, then I lightened the prayer from the weight of Karen's mother's tears,'" (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). Thus our short answer. Hopefully it can be understood properly. We are always open in accepting criticism and suggestions from readers. Wallahul muwaffiq ila aqwathih tariq, Wassalamu 'alaikum wr. wb. (Alhafiz Kurniawan)
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