Order of the Universe as Proof that Allah Exists
Do you still remember the story of the Prophet Musa ‘Alaihis Salam, who when she converted to Allah, then asked Him so that she could see the form of Allah? Then when Allah revealed His form, revealed His veil of light to Prophet Musa 'Alaihis Salam, then Prophet Musa fell unconscious.
The above affirms that Allah's form is unseen and humans will never be able to see it even if Allah allows it, as happened to the Prophet Musa 'Alaihis Salam.
In addition to the story of the Prophet Musa 'Alaihis Salam, many people are also searching for the existence of Allah's form. They do this to convince their faith that God does exist.
However, there are not a few of them who do not have enough guidelines for life and religious knowledge, so the more they seek faith, the more they doubt, even further from believing that God exists.
In a hadith narrated by Imam Thabrani it has also been stated that it is not appropriate for us to question the form and Essence of Allah, because we have limitations in thinking and rationalizing something.
In addition, if we continue to question this, it is feared that it will open the door of shyton into our hearts and make us more doubtful, and reduce our level of faith in Allah SWT.
Humans are Visual Beings
Humans are visual creatures. He will believe something if something can be caught by his five senses. This is also why many people do not believe in the existence of God on the grounds that His Essence cannot be grasped by the five senses. So how can a Muslim be able to believe in the existence and form of Allah, while Allah's form is supernatural?
Basically, the five senses are indeed human tools in proving and justifying the existence of something. However, the five senses are not the only tools capable of being divine in proving the existence of such a thing.
There are still other devices that are also capable of being supporting tools, one of which is reason. Likewise in knowing the form of Allah that the five senses of man cannot grasp. To know the form of Allah, humans can use several supporting tools which are able to prove the existence of Allah's form. These tools are the proof of fitrah, the argument of naqli, and the argument of aqli.
The proposition of fitrah is evidence which states that every human being from birth has a divine nature. Therefore, basically the seeds of faith and belief in the existence of Allah are actually embedded from birth in every individual.
There is also the naqli argument which is the guideline for the life of Muslims, namely Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. This naqli argument will guide people in knowing God through His asthma and attributes. Apart from these two arguments, there is the argument of aqli that involves reason, reflection about oneself and the universe which functions in knowing the form of Allah.
As stated by Prof. Yunahar Ilyas in the book Lecture Aqidah Islam, to prove the existence of God through reason, self-reflection and the universe, you can use several theories, namely qanun al-illah, qanun al-wujub, qanun al-huduts, and qanun an-nizham. But here, the author will only discuss the concept of qanun an-nizham, or the theory of order.
Theory of Order of the Universe
Maybe the majority of people will think that everything that happens in life, or when something is predicted to happen, they will consider it as a coincidence
Yet when you think about it, it is impossible for such coincidences to occur without something controlling it. Likewise with the universe. This universe is something that has been arranged neatly, and it is impossible for this universe to have been arranged without Something to compose it.
We cannot deny that the universe is neatly arranged. It is evident from various natural phenomena which have their respective phases and are very neatly arranged. For example, we can predict when a lunar eclipse occurs, because of what? Because we already know the phases or the sequence of the process.
In addition, also with the discovery of the concept of the thread of the universe. As stated by scientists, our galaxy is not the only galaxy that exists in the universe.
They argue that our universe is filled with millions of galaxies, stars and cosmic dust and has a very tight and neat control system for distributing matter.
They also argue that these galaxies circulate in the same orbit, namely on long, thin strings that are tightly bound together, which have come to be known as the "cosmic cloth".
So, is this a coincidence? Of course not. Even long before scientists discovered the cosmic cloth theory, the Al-Qur'an had already perpetuated it in the QS. Az-Zariyat verse 7 which reads
وَالسَّمَآءِ ذَاتِ الۡحُـبُكِ
"By the heavens that have streets"
What is meant by "road" in that paragraph is the orbit of celestial bodies. This shows that the celestial bodies in the universe already have orbits that are created so neatly and very precisely, and that orbit has become known as the cosmic cloth or the thread of the universe.
With this orbit, all the components in the universe will circulate according to their respective orbits and will never go wrong. And of course this is something that arranges and arranges it.
Another example, the sun is never too late to rise or set because everything is arranged in order. Earth that has a position that fits perfectly with the sun. He is not too far away which makes the earth cool, nor is he too close to the sun, which in turn can make the earth hot and even burn. So, is this a coincidence? Of course not, because someone must have arranged it in such a way.
Allah SWT, the Designer of the Universe
All the things that are neatly arranged must have designed it and everything has been planned by Allah SWT, the Creator and Control of everything. This proves the omnipotence of Allah SWT.
So what is it for Allah to design this universe in such a neat and perfect order?
All of this aims to be used as human facilities in knowing Allah SWT, whose form cannot be captured by the five human senses, so that later humans will be able to recognize Allah SWT through the universe, His creation. Allah knows best.
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