Liberalism, is a foreign term taken from English, which means freedom. This word returns to the word "liberty" in English, or "liberte" in French, which means free [1]. This term comes from Europe. Researchers, either themselves or others, are at odds in defining this thinking. However, the whole definition returns to the notion of freedom in the Western view. The World Book Encyclopedia writes the discussion of Liberalism, that this term is still considered vague, because the meaning and its supporters change in certain forms with the passage of time [2].
Shaykh Sulaiman al-Khirasyi said that liberalism is a school of thought that pays attention to individual freedom. This school of thought views the obligation to respect individual independence, and believes that the main task of the government is to protect and protect people's freedoms, such as freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of private ownership, individual freedom, and the like [3].
Liberal Thought Principles
In general, there are three principles of liberalism. Namely freedom, individualism, rationalist ('aqlani, deify reason).
First Principle, Freedom: What is meant by this principle, is that every individual is free to do actions. The state does not have the right to regulate. Such actions are only limited by laws that are made by themselves, and are not bound by religious regulations. Thus, liberalism is the other side of secularism, namely separating from religion and allowing freedom from religious provisions. So that this principle gives freedom to humans to do, say, have beliefs, and punish as they please without being limited by the syari'at of Allah. Humans become gods for themselves and worshipers of their desires. Humans are free from laws, and are not commanded to follow Divine teachings. In fact Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين لا شريك له وبذلك أمرت وأنا أول المسلمين
Say: "Verily my prayers, ibadatku, my life and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of hosts, no partner to- His; and thus that is what was commanded to me and I am the first to surrender (to Allah) ". [al-An'âm / 6: 162-163] Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said:
ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاكَ عَلَىٰ شَرِيعَةٍ مِّنَ الْأَمْرِ فَاتَّبِعْهَا وَلَْاتَعة ,
then follow the law and do not follow the lusts of those who do not know. [al-Jâtsiyah / 45: 18] [4].
Second Principle, Individualism (al-Fardiyah): In this case includes two definitions. First, in terms of ananiyah (ego) and self-love. This understanding has dominated the thinking of European society from the time of its awakening to the 20th century AD. Second, in terms of personal freedom. This is a new understanding in Liberal religion known as pragmatism [5].
The third principle, namely rationalism (aqlaniyyun, deify reason). In the sense of free reason in knowing and achieving benefit and benefit without the need for outside forces.
This can be seen from the following matters:
Freedom are rights built on a material basis, not a matter outside the material that can be witnessed (abstract). And the way to know is through reason, five senses and experiment.
The state is kept away from all that is related to religious beliefs, because freedom demands that there is no one who is certain and sure; because it is impossible to achieve the essence of something except with intermediary reason from the results of existing experiments. So that – according to them- humans before conducting the experiment did not know anything so they were unable to confirm anything. This is called the ideology of tolerance (Mabda 'at-Tasâmuh) [6]. The essence is to eliminate religious commitment, because it gives people the right to believe at will and to reveal them and not to be a Muslim, even though they are a mulhid (against Allah and His Messenger).
The state is obliged to protect its people in this case, because the state - their version is formed to protect the human rights of everyone. This demands that the state be completely separate from existing religions and schools of thought. (Musykilah al-Hurriyah p. 233 quoted from The Essence of Libraliyah p. 24). This is evidently made by a mind which has faith only in the visible. So that it considers that religion is not scientific and cannot be used as a source of knowledge. Ta'alallahu 'Amma Yaquluna' Uluwaan kabiran (Most High is Allah from what they say).
The laws regulating this freedom from slipping into disrepair - the whole liberal version of the group - are man-made laws that rely on an independent mind and are far from God's shari'at. Their source of law in statutes and individuals is reason.
Islam and Liberal
From the above explanation it is clear that Liberalism is just another form of secularism which is built on the attitude of turning away from the shari'at of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, kufr to the teachings and guidance of Allah and His Messenger Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam and hindering humans from the path of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Also fighting pious people and motivating people to do evil, heretical thinking and human depravity under the slogan of false freedom. A freedom which is essentially obeying and worshiping sheitan. Then can Islam join hands with Liberals?
Efforts to Unite Islam and Liberal Liberal thought entered the body of the Muslims through the colonial colonialists. Then greeted by people who were surprised by the modernization of Europe at that time. The Muslim madrasah al-Ishlahiyah (reformist school) and madrasah at-tajdîd (reformist school) and al-'Ashraniyûn (modernist school) emerged who tried to link Islam with liberals coupled with the large number of Muslim students who were fostered by orientalists in these countries. Europe. Efforts to integrate liberalism into Islam have been carried out by the 'Islahiyah' movement led by Muhammad 'Abduh and his students. Then in the sixties, the reform movement (madrasah attajdid) emerged with figures such as Rifa'ah ath-Thahthawi and Khairuddîn at-Tunîsi. Their thinking is not one. But they combined Islamic teachings with Western modernization and reconstructed religious teachings to fit the modernization of the West (infidels).
Therefore, their thinking varies according to their knowledge of modernization in the West and its growing progress. Likewise, they agreed to make reason as a source of law just as reason is also a source of law in Liberal teachings. From this it is clear that these reformers and modernists actually have different principles and backgrounds and orientation of thought. Although they agree to put forward the logic of reason rather than the Qur'an and Sunnah and the strong influence of Western thought. There are those who openly express their intention to destroy Islam because of the influence of secular nationalism or the communist left wing. There are those who try to raise doubts into the body of the Muslims with various bid'ah terms that are difficult to understand. Or by reversing the facts and realities of true Islamic teachings with their thoughts and movements. They positioned heretics and deviants as wise thinkers and revolutionary knights. Meanwhile, Islamic scholars are positioned as conservative conservatives and do not know human rights [7].
What is even more painful is the expression of some of those who accuse people who return to referring to the texts of the Shari'a as being conservative and pagan (musyrik). Prof. Fahmi Huwaidi in his article Watsaniyûn Hum 'Abadatun Nushûsh (Paganis are those who worship Shari'at texts) describes this as a new paganism (Watsaniyah jadîdah). This is because Paganism is not just a form of idolatry. Because this is ancient paganism. However, the paganism of today has turned into a form of worship of symbols and formulas in the worship of texts and ritualism [8].
In fact, the essence of their efforts is to invite Muslims to follow the teachings and patterns of Western thought (westernization) and eliminate Islamic aqidah from the bodies of the Muslims and provide an easy way for the enemies of Islam in destroying the Muslims. So they consider liberal and democratic rules to be urgent matters and are very compatible with the essence of Islam and its teachings and do not deny it except hardline fundamentalists. Thus their efforts eventually resulted in the elimination of a lot of the principles of Islamic teachings and inserting the values of liberalism and humanism into the teachings of Islam and the aqidah of the Muslims. Therefore an orientalist named Gibb stated: "Reformation is the main program of Western liberalism. We just have to wait, hopefully the orientation of the reformists can become a kind of modern managerial to explore the values of liberalism and humanism. [9]
That is how liberal values and understanding enter the body of the Muslims. We take refuge in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala from him and from all the callers of this teaching. Liberal in the View of Islamic Law Liberalism is a foreign thought that has entered Islam.
Liberal in the View of Islamic Law Liberalism is a foreign thought that has entered Islam. This thinking denies any connection between life and religion at all. This thinking considers religion as the binding chain of freedom so that it must be thrown away.
The pioneers and liberal thinkers who compiled the principles of his teachings to form a liberal were outside the lines of all existing religions and none of them claimed to have a relationship with one particular religion even though it was deviant. So that Liberalism is very contrary to Islam. Not a few cancellations of Islam are contained in this ideological current. Among them: Kufr Punish with other than the law of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Eliminating aqidah al-Wala and bara '. Removing a lot of Islamic teachings and laws. So that the scholars punished him as kufr as stated in the fatwa of Shaykh Sholeh al-Fauzan which was published in the al-Jazirah Daily, Tuesday edition of 11 Jumada End of 1428 H. Is there Liberal Islam? It is very surprising that there are still people who want to combine liberal with Islam when it is clearly impossible. So if someone says that I am a liberal Muslim or the term Liberal Islam Network is a contradiction in terms. Ironically, so-called professors or intellectuals do not know or pretend not to know about this.
Wallahu al-Hadi ila Shirath al-Mustaqim.
By Ustadz Kholid Syamhudi Lc
Maraji ':' Al-'Aqlâniyûn Afrâkh al-Mu'tazilah al-'Ashriyûn, Shaykh 'Ali Hasan' Ali 'Abdul Hamîd, first printing in 1413 AH, Maktabah al-Ghurabâ al-Atsariyah al-'Ashraniyyûn Baina Madzâ'im At-tajdîd Wa Mayâdin at-Taghrîb Muhammad Hâmid an-Nâshir in the Indonesian edition entitled Answering Islamic Modernization, published by Darul Haq. Dalîl al-'Uquul al-Hâʻirah Fi Kasyfi al-Mazhâhib al-Mu'âshirah, Hâmid bin 'Abdillah al-'Al. Haqîqat Libraliyah Wa Mauqiful Muslim Minha, Sulaimân al-Khirasyi [Copied from As-Sunnah Magazine Edition 05 / Tahun XII / 1429H / 2008M. Published by Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta Foundation, Jl. Solo - Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57183
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