Some Important Events in the Sya'ban Month
The Sya'ban month is a very important month in the lives of Muslims in Indonesia. Because in addition to being a month that is close to Ramadan and as a month of preparation to face fasting in the month of Ramadan, there are some things that are often routinely commemorated every month Sya'ban, namely the night nisfu Sya'ban. In addition to the night of Nisfu Sya'ban there were also several important events that took place in the Sya'ban month. In the book of Ma Dza fi Sya'ban? the work of Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Maliki mentions three important events which impact on the religious life of a Muslim.
1. Qibla Transition Qibla transition from the Aqsa Mosque to the Grand Mosque occurred in the Sya'ban month. According to the Al-Qurthubi when interpreting Surah Al-Baqarah verse 144 in the book Al-Jami 'li Ahkāmil Qur'an by quoting the opinion of Abu Hatim Al-Basti said that Allah ordered the Prophet Muhammad to transfer the Qibla on the eve of the Tuesday night of the Sya'ban which coincided with the night of Sya'ban nisfu. The transition of this Qibla is something that has been eagerly awaited by the Prophet Muhammad. It is even said that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was standing facing the sky every day waiting for the revelations to come about the Qibla transition as Surah Al-Baqarah verse 144 follows. قَدْ نَرَى تَقَلُّبَ وَجْهِكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ فَلَنُوَلِّيَنَّكَ قِبْلَةً تَرْضَاهَا فَوَلِّ وَجََََِْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْْ
It means, "We really see your face often looking up to the sky, so truly we will turn you to the Qibla that you like. Turn your face towards the Grand Mosque. "
2. Submission of the Total Recapitulation of Charity to Allah One of the things that makes the main Shay'a month is that in this month all our deeds are given to Allah SWT. Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Maliki quoted an An-Nasa’i narration that narrated the dialogue of Osama bin Zaid and the Prophet Muhammad. "O Prophet, I do not see you fasting in other months as you fast in the Shaytan?" Then Rasulullah SAW replied, "Many people are negligent in the Sya'ban month. In that month all charity is given to Allah SWT. And I like it when my deeds are handed over to God, I'm in a state of fasting. " The surrender of charity referred to in this case is the surrender of the entire recapitulation of our charity. Although, according to Sayyid Muhammad Alawi, there are certain times which become the time of submission of charity to Allah besides the Sya'ban month, which is every day, night, every week. There are also some charities that are handed over directly to Allah without waiting for these times, namely the notes of the five daily prayers. 3. Decrease verse about Prompts segue to the Prophet In Sha'ban also lowered paragraph bershalawat's recommendation for the Prophet Muhammad, namely Surat Al-Ahzab verse 56. إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما Meaning "Truly Allah and His angels pray for the Prophet. O you who believe, bless you to the Prophet and say hello to him. " Ibn Abi Shai Al-Yamani said, the month of Sya'ban is the month of blessing. Because in that month the verse about the blessings of prayer was revealed. This opinion was strengthened by the opinion of Imam Syihabuddin Al-Qasthalani in his Al-Mawahib, and Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani who said that the verse was revealed in the Sya'ban in the second year of hijriyah. Allah knows best.
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