Speech of the Prophet Towards Ramadan
Nearing the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam made a speech in front of his friends. The lecture at the end of the Sya'ban month contained information about the features of Ramadan, as well as suggestions for increasing servitude to God and social care.
Interestingly, the Messenger of Allah used the editorial greeting "yâyyuhannâs" (O people) when starting his speech, which indicates that the message applies generally to all people, not just Muslims. The following is the complete contents of the speech:
"O people, truly the glorious and blessed moon has overshadowed you. The month in which there is a night whose value is better than a thousand months. In that month, Allah makes his fast as an obligation and qiyam or evening prayers as sunnah worship. Whoever draws himself closer to Allah with virtue, then the value is the same as doing obligations in another month. Who carries out an obligation during the month of Ramadan, then is the same as carrying out seventy obligations in another month. "
"Ramadan is a month of patience; while patience and patience, the reward is heaven. Ramadan is a month of help. In that month the fortune of the believers is added. "
"Whoever gives food to break the fast for the month, he will be forgiven of his sins, freed from the fire of hell. That person gets reward like the fasting person. Whereas the reward of fasting for those who do, does not diminish in the slightest. "
The Companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah, not all of us have food to break the fast for others." The Prophet ﷺ replied, "Allah gives a reward to someone who gives a date palm, or sip of water, or sip of milk."
The Prophet continued, "He is Ramadan, the month whose beginning is filled with mercy, the middle period is filled with forgiveness, in the last period is the liberation of humans from the punishment of hell."
"Whoever eases the burden of the work of his household servants, Allah will forgive his sins and free him from the fires of hell."
"Therefore, in this month of Ramadan, all of you should be able to reach four parts. The first two parts are to get the pleasure of your Lord and the other two parts are something that you desire. (To reach) the first two parts, let us testify that there is no God but Allah and ask forgiveness from Him. (To reach) the second two parts should ask (put in) heaven and take refuge from hellfire. "
"Whoever gives a drink to a fasting person, surely Allah gives a drink to him from my heart, a drink that a person will not feel thirsty and thirst again afterwards, so he enters into heaven." (Hadith narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah: 1780; al-Baihaqi in Syu'ab al-Iman: 3455. Editor of the hadith above the narration of Ibn Khuzaimah).
Although some experts call this hadith the status of da'eef, its contents can still be practiced because it is related to fadhailul a'mal (virtue of charity). Some of the information mentioned by this hadith, many similarities mentioned by the hadith are more valid.
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal delivered a statement regarding the hadith da'eef:
الْحَدِيْثِ الضَعِيْفُ أَحَبُّ إِلَيَّ مِنْ الرَأْيِ
"The Da'eef (Da'eef) I love more than ra'yu (the opinion of someone of reason)
In another sentence, he argues:
الْعَمَلُ بِالْحَدِيْثِ الضَّعِيْفِ أَوْلَى مِنَ الْقِيَاسِ
"To do good deeds with da'eef is more important than using qiyas (analogy)".
This hadith is also published in books written by famous scholars, including: Muhammad Yusuf al-Kandahlawi in the book Hayah al-Shahabah, III / 400-401, Imam al-Munzdiri in the book al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib, I / 16-17, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Baz in the book Majmu 'Fatawa wa Maqalat Mutanawwi'ah, XV / 44-45. Prof. Hasbi al-Shiddiqi in the Fasting Guide.
Source: https://islam.nu.or.id/
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