Understanding of Nusantara Islam in NU Ulim National Conference
"We will strengthen the definition of the Islamic Archipelago, so that we can answer those who do not understand, do not understand, pretend not to understand, do not understand," said, Chairman of the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), KH Said Aqil Siradj, last January , when the institution was preparing to hold the Alim Ulama National Conference.
Today Friday (1/3), the Deliberation was officially closed, starting on Wednesday (27/2), at the Miftahul Huda Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School, Citangkolo, Banjar Patroman, West Java. The discussion on the definition of the Archipelago Islam has indeed become one of the agenda items in the Bahtsul Masail Commission at the General Assembly.
In this discussion the NU kiai stated that Nusantara Islam was not a new stream in Islam but Islam that respected the culture and traditions of the archipelago as long as it did not conflict with the Shari'a.
"This is a formula that is simpler than us, PWNU East Java, related to its editor. IsIam ??Nusantara in a substantial sense is an Islamic expert on Sunnah Waljamaah which is practiced, preached, and developed according to the characteristics of the people and culture in the archipelago by its preachers, "said Secretary of the East Java PWNU Bahtsul Masail Institute, Ahmad Muntaha. The definition of the definition was finally put down as a joint formula, after the chairperson of the session, Abdul Moqsith Ghazali collected the participant's agreement.
According to Kiai Said, after the NU Ulama National Conference, the PBNU would instruct the NU Regional Board to socialize the cadres. "Especially NU internals must understand very well, especially NU management, branches, branches must understand," he said.
Not only discussing the definition of Nusantara Islam, this National Conference also discusses various national and daily issues, such as attitudes in tolerance, environmental issues related to waste, national discussion related to the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence, MLM business issues, monopoly, business competition, and a number of formulations that considered important to examine the problem in the community.
The NU Ulim NU National Conference was also opened by President Joko Widodo and was officially closed by vice president Jusuf Kalla.
Source: tempo.co.id
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