Eight things that cancel fasting

In addition to having to carry out our obligations during fasting, we are also required to protect ourselves from things that can cancel fasting. In the book Fath al-Qarib explained that the case that can cancel fasting includes several things, along with the details: First, the arrival of something into the body hole intentionally. That is, fasting carried out by a person will be canceled when there is an object (‘ain) that enters one of the holes that originate in the inner organs which in the term fiqh is usually called jauf. Like the mouth, ears, nose. 
 Eight things that cancel fasting

The object entered into Jauf intentionally from someone. This hole (jauf) has an initial limit which when an object crosses that limit then fasting becomes invalidated, but as long as it hasn't crossed it then fasting remains valid. In the nose, the initial limit is the part called muntaha khaysum (gill base) which is parallel to the eye; in the ear, which is the inside if the eye is not visible; whereas in the mouth, the initial limit is the throat which is commonly called hulqum.

Fasting is canceled when there are objects, be it food, drink, or other objects that reach the throat, for example. However, it is not invalid if the object is still in the mouth and not the slightest part of the object reaches the throat. Unlike the case when an object that enters a jauf is fasting done in a state of forgetfulness, or deliberately but he does not understand that the entry of an object in jauf is something that can cancel the fast. In such circumstances, fasting by a person is still punished lawfully as long as the object entered in the jauf is not in a large volume, such as forgetting to eat very much food during fasting. So when that happens fasting is punished null and void. (Sheikh Zainuddin al-Maliabari, Fath al-Mu’in, juz 1, p. 259). 

Second, treat by inserting objects (drugs or other objects) in one of two ways (qubul and rectum). For example treatment for people who are experiencing hemorrhoid and also for people who are sick by installing a urine catheter, then these two things can cancel fasting. 

Third, vomit on purpose. If someone vomits unintentionally or vomits suddenly (ghalabah) then his fast is still punished lawfully as long as not one bit of his vomit is swallowed back by him. If the vomit is swallowed on purpose then the fast is punished null and void.

Fourth, deliberate sexual relations with the opposite sex (jima ’). In fact, in this context there is a special provision: a person's fasting is not only invalidated but he is also subject to fines (kafarat) for his actions. This fine is fasting for two consecutive months. If he is unable to, he is obliged to provide one mud staple food (0.6 kilograms of rice or ¾ liter of rice) to 60 poor people. This is nothing but a goal as a substitute for the sins he commits in the form of sexual intercourse during fasting.

Fifth, the discharge of semen (sperm) is caused by skin contact. For example, semen comes out due to masturbation or because of contact with the opposite sex without sexual intercourse. Unlike the case when semen comes out because of wet dreams (ihtilam) then in such circumstances fasting is still punished lawfully.

Sixth, experience menstruation or childbirth during fasting. In addition to being punished for canceling his fast, people who experience menstruation or childbirth are obliged to mengqadha fasting. In this case fasting has different consequences with prayer in terms of the obligation to mengqadha. Because in prayer people who are menstruating or postpartum are not required to mengqadha prayers that he left during menstruation or childbirth.

Seventh, crazy (junun) when fasting. When this happens to someone in the middle of carrying out his fast, then the fast that he runs is punished null and void. Eighth, apostasy at fasting. Apostasy is the departure of a person from Islam. For example, a person who is fasting suddenly denies the oneness of Allah subhanahu wata'ala, or denies the law of sharia which has become a consensus of scholars (mujma 'alaih). In addition to canceling his fast, he is also obliged to immediately say the shahada and mengqadha fasting. 

The eight things above are things that can cancel fasting, when one of the eight things occur during fasting, then fasting carried out by someone becomes invalidated. May our fasting in Ramadhan this time be given smoothness and perfection and be worship received by Allah subhanahu wata’ala. Amen ya Rabbal 'alamin. Allah knows best. 

Ustadz M. Ali Zainal Abidin, lecturer at Annuriyah Kaliwining Islamic Boarding School Rambipuji Jember

Source: https://islam.nu.or.id

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