The Most Simplified Tahiyat Reading for Tarawih

Imam tarawih prayer in Indonesia sometimes faces conditions where people want tarawih to be concise and fast. This may be due to the different interests and needs of the community. Some are in a hurry to take a break because of a tired day of work or there may be other matters that are also important. When tarawih prayers are slow, the imam is often considered not to accommodate the interests of the wider community. Tarawih prayers with longer readings and quieter conditions are certainly more important and add reward. But praying with a shorter tempo is also fine as long as you pay attention to the following notes. First, the pillars of fi'li (physical movements) must be carried out in a thuma'nînah (calm) manner, ie all limbs remain silent with the minimum amount of time during which the person utters the tasbih subhânallâh. 
 The Most Simplified Tahiyat Reading for Tarawih

The pillars of fi'li include: standing (if able), bowing, i'tidal, prostration, sitting between two prostrations, sitting for the final tasyahud. Second, the pillars of qauli in the form of recitation of takbiratul ihram, Surat al-Fatihah, final tasyahud (tahiyat), blessings of the Prophet after the final tasyahud, and greetings, must be in accordance with recitation. This rule is important so that people do not pray in their own way. In the matter of tahiyat for example, it is said in the book of Fathul Mu'in as follows: فلو أظهر النون المدغمة في اللام في أن لا إله إلا الله أبطل لتركه شدة منه كمالوت في في و ن orang Artinya Artinya Artinya Artinya Artinya Artinya Artinya Artinya If there is a person: the prayer reads idh-har from nun that should be read idgham in the sentence 'al lâilâha illallâh' then it invalidates the prayer because it leaves the tasydid there as if someone left reading idgham tanwin 'dal' the 'muhammad' in the sentence 'muhammadar Rasulullah '. (Sheikh Zainudin Al-Malyabari, Fathul Muin, [Dar Ibn Hazm], page 119).

Related to the focus of this paper, how do you read tahiyat in a fast way? In the science of Tajweed, the reading method is divided into three levels of speed, namely tartil (slow tempo), scheduling (simple), hadr (fast). In the latter division, the hadr, although fast, must follow the rules of mîzân or a long balance of short readings. Besides tahiyat, you can read it quickly with the letters clearly read, there is also a way to read tahiyat to make it faster, which is reading tahiyat by choosing mandatory sentences only. In the book of Fathul Muin a concise sentence is explained in a minimum tahiyat as follows the full text:
 فتح المعين بشرح قرة العين بمهمات الدين وعاشرها: تشهد أخير وأقله ما رواه الشافعي والترمذي [الأذكار الأرقام: 368- 391]: التيحات لله إلى آخره تتمته: سلام عليك أيها النبي ورحمة الله وبركاته سلام علينا وعلى عباد الله الصالحين أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله
Meaning: "The tenth pillar of prayer is the final tasyahud.

The minimum reading in the final tasyahhud as narrated by As-Shafi'i and At-Tirmidhi is the reading of At-tahiyyâtu lillâh, salâmun alaika ayyuhan wa rahmatullâhi wa barakâtuh, salâmun 'alainâ wa ‘alâ ibdillâhis shlih. Asyhadu al-lâilâha illallâh, wa anna muhammadar rasûlullâh. (Sheikh Zainuddin Al-Malyabari, Fathul Muin, page: 118) After tasyahud above, then read the blessings:
 اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ ، وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
Thus, for those who are often left behind with a fast priest, they can follow the minimum alternative of reading the tasyahud. In normal conditions, it is advisable to read a long tasyahud to get a lot of virtues and a lot of reward. Allah knows best. Ustadz Ahmad Mundzir, lecturer at Raudhatul Quran an-Nasimiyyah Islamic Boarding School, Semarang


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