Don't Let Your Fast Going Down
Fasting is not just a man hungry and thirsty. More than that, by fasting, that means you must also be able to refrain from all kinds of things that can cancel your fast. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said that how many people fasted but he did not get anything from fasting except hunger and thirst.
So when you are fasting, you should NOT do things like the following.
Telling lies
Saying a lie can make a Muslim's fast become merely holding back hunger and thirst. What is meant is saying lies such as gossiping, pitting sheep, and also denouncing other Muslims.
Said dirty and rude
When fasting, sometimes there are many things that can make us disturbed so that sometimes we unconsciously say harsh words. However, please note, by saying dirty or rude, it can eliminate the practice of reward from your fasting. So, when something unpleasant happens to you, it helps you take a rest or go outside to calm down.
Committing immorality
Keep yourself away from all unlawful deeds including immoral acts. Because this is the worst thing that can eliminate someone's fasting practice.
There is a good saying said by one of the companions of the prophet named Jabir bin ‘Abdillah, namely" If you fast then your hearing, your vision and your mouth should also fast from lies and illicit things and do not hurt your life about you. Be calm and authoritative on your satisfaction day. Do not make your day of satisfaction and your day of not the same. "
Thus, you will certainly be more careful in guarding your mouth and behavior so that the practices of your fasting are acceptable and not in vain, right?
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