The Secret of Imam Shafi'i in Seeking Knowledge

The activity of studying has an important meaning for Imam Shafi'i. The urgency of these activities occupies the second position in the life of Imam As-Shafi'i after all obligations, including praying five times, fasting Ramadan, zakat, pilgrimage, paying debts, and other obligations.
وقال ما تقرب إلى الله تعالى بشئ بعد الفرائض أفضل من طلب العلم
 The Secret of Imam Shafi'i in Seeking Knowledge

It means, "Imam As-Shafi'i said," There is no more primary worship after the obligatory prayers rather than studying. "(An-Nawawi, Al-Majmuk: 33).

Imam Shafi'i said, "The activity of studying is more important than the sunnah prayer." Another opportunity, he said, 'Those who want to pursue the world, he must achieve it with knowledge. Likewise those who want to achieve success in the afterlife.
"وقال ما أفلح في العلم إلا من طلبه بالقلة
It means, "Imam As-Shafi'i said," There is no one who is fortunate in seeking knowledge except those who pursue him in total. "(An-Nawawi, Al-Majmuk: 33).

According to him, many people neglect Al-Ashr's letter, especially in relation to studying. Many people pass time without studying. They are losers. Imam Shafi'i divides his night into three times. The first third is used for writing. The second third is used for sunnah prayers. The last third is used for night breaks.

Imam As-Shafi'i is the foundation of the Shafi'ite school of fiqh, one of the four influential schools that determine the practice of religion in the world today. In fact, the Shafi'i school is a school that is followed by most Muslims today in the world. Allah knows best. (Alhafiz Kurniawan)


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