Imam Shafi'i and the History of His Thought in Usul Fiqh

Imam Shafi'i was born in 150 H in the city of Gaza, Palestine. At a relatively young age, he has already kicked off the stage of the history of the thought of usul fiqh with the masterpiece of the book Ar-Risalah.
 Imam Shafi'i and the History of His Thought in Usul Fiqh

According to Dr. Mahmud Abdurrahman in the book of Ushul al-Fiqh, Imam Shafi'i wrote the first book ar-Risalah in the city of Makkah at the request of Abdurrahman bin Mahdi. I was so impressed with the work, Abdurrahman bin Mahdi said, "I will never pray except in it I will always pray as-Shafi'i. Really he is a young man who is a genius".

Regarding the location of the writing of ar-Risalah, Fakhr ar-Razi has another opinion. In the book of Manaqib ash-Shafi'i, he explained that Imam Shafi'i wrote the book ar-Risalah in the city of Baghdad, then rewritten the book of ar-Risalah upon arrival in the land of Egypt. According to him, both (the book of ar-Risala written in the city of Baghdad and written in the land of Egypt) have a broad scope of explanations of science.

Fakhr ar-Razi also argues in the book of Manaqib ash-Shafi'i "The scholars before the arrival of Imam Shafi'i discussed with each other in matters of ushul fiqh. The scholars took each other theoremically and disagreed but they did not have draft regulations that are comprehensive that can be used as a tendency in deepening the arguments of the Shari'a Likewise, the scholars do not have a standard order in crossing opinions and taking up the arguments of the existing Shari'ah.Then Imam Shafi'i came up with his thoughts in the science of Usul Fiqh. Imam Shafi'i who put comprehensive rules to explore the arguments of the Shari'a in front of the general public. So that it becomes firmly established Imam Shafi'i genius in the science of Shariah 'as Aristotle's genius in logic. "

The book of ar-Risala written by Imam Shafi'i in the city of Mecca is better known as "ar-Risalah al-Qadimah" or also called "ar-Risalah al-Atiqah".

The privilege of Imam Shafi'i compared to two previous mutlaq mujtahids, Imam Abu Hanifah, centered in Iraq and Imam Malik, centered in the city of Medina, is a very rich and long scientific journey.

Starting from the city of Mecca, which is very famous for the science of interpretation and asbabun nuzul Al-Qur'an. Imam Shafi'i began to settle in the city of Makkah since he was two years old. Imam Shafi'i completed memorization of the Qur'an before he was even at the age of seven. In the city of Mecca, Imam Shafi'i studied Shaykh Muslim bin Khalid az-Zanji.

Then, at the age of 13, Imam Shafi'i began to wander to the city of Medina, which is famous for its warehouse of scholars of hadith. In the city of Medina, Imam Shafi'i studied Imam Malik bin Anas. Imam Shafi'i settled in the city of Medina until 179 H / 795 AD, the year Imam Malik bin Anas died.

In this city of Mecca and Medina, Imam Shafi'i met with hadith experts, commentators and fiqh experts who were qualified in their fields. Imam Shafi'i is able to absorb all of that knowledge well. Until this phase, Imam Shafi'i gained qualified degrees in the field of fatwa, both in the field of fiqh and the field of Hadith.

In addition to studying religion, Imam Shafi'i also studied Arabic grammar to remote areas of the Arabian peninsula. Narrated Imam Shafi'i had lived long in the settlements of the children of Hudzail. It was during this phase that Imam Shafi'i gained a good and grammatical mastery of Arabic grammar, which later greatly supported him in understanding the grammar of the Qur'an and the Hadith.

Imam Syafi'i also briefly became a government employee in the Najran area after the death of Imam Malik. Then, Imam Shafi'i settled for about nine years in the city of Mecca. It is most likely in the period of about nine years living in the city of Mecca that Imam Shafi'i composed the book of ar-Risala.

Imam Shafi'i's journey continued to the city of Baghdad in 195 H / 810 AD In this phase, Imam Shafi'i found many adjustments. Imam Shafi'i is able to harmonize well with the thoughts of Ahlu Naql (scholars who rely heavily on religious texts, ed) obtained in the city of Medina under the guidance of Imam Malik with the ideas of Ahlu Ra'yi (scholars who rely heavily on reason, ed) obtained under the care of Imam Muhammad bin al-Hasan, student of Imam Abu Hanifa in the city of Baghdad.

In this Baghdad city, Imam Shafi'i has several students. His students in the city of Baghdad included Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, az-Za'farani and al-Karabisi. After his long scientific journey, no doubt, Imam Shafi'i felt that he needed a lot of reforms in the book of ar-Risala which was written earlier in the city of Mecca. Until this final phase, Imam Shafi'i rewrote the book Ar-Risala in Fustath, a part of the city of Cairo in the land of Egypt at that time.

After his long scientific journey, no doubt, Imam Shafi'i felt that he needed a lot of reforms in the book of ar-Risala which was written earlier in the city of Mecca. Until this final phase, Imam Shafi'i rewrote the book Ar-Risala in Fustath, a part of the city of Cairo in the land of Egypt at that time.

Thus was born the new version of the book ar-Risalah which was considered by the ulemas as the top thought of Imam Shafi'i. Later, this rewritten work is more famous as "ar-Risalah al-Jadidah" ​​or also known as "ar-Risalah al-Mishriyyah".

However, despite having a very long period of studying, Imam Shafi'i still tried to perfect the book of ar-Risala. This, as Imam al-Baihaqi notes in the book of Manaqib ash-Shafi'i sourced from Rabi 'bin Sulaiman, student of Imam Shafi'i that he said, "I read the book of ar-Risalah al-Mishriyyah in the presence of Imam Syafi' i more than 30 times, and every time I read before him, Imam Shafi'i always gives corrections to the book ar-Risalah al-Mishriyyah, then in the end Imam Shafi'i said to me, 'Allah does not predestine a more authentic book (avoiding from error) except in His book (the Qur'an) '. "

Later on, the book ar-Risalah written by Imam Shafi'i is elaborated longer (sharih) by Imam Abu Bakar Muhammad bin Abdullah ash-Shairafi, Imam Abu Walid Hassan bin Muhammad al Umawi, Imam Muhammad bin Ali who is more famous by the nickname al-Qaffal ash-Shasyi, Imam Abu Muhammad al-Juwaini (father of Imam Haramain al-Juwaini), and Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Abdullah as-Syaibani.

After the birth of the book of ar-Risalah al-Jadidah Imam Shafi'i felt the need to perfect the science of ushul fiqh which he pioneered by publishing the book Jima'ul Ulum. This book tells a lot about groups who reject the arguments of Hadith on Sunday and their rebuttal and the like.

Followed after that, Imam Shafi'i published the book Ikhtilaful Hadith which explains the differences of opinion of the scholars in addressing the outstanding hadith. This book is arranged in accordance with the flow of the fiqh science chapter. And in the end Imam Shafi'i closed his works in the science of Usul Fiqh by publishing the book of Ibthal Istihsan. This book criticizes many scholars who are too excessive in using the method istihsan. In addition, Imam Shafi'i also wrote the Sifatu Nahyi Nabi which explains the meaning of the prohibition (nahyu) in the Prophet's hadith.

As a result, Imam Shafi'i laid a very solid foundation as the beginning of a long endless discussion in the field of ushul fiqh. Among the foundations that have been built by Imam Shafi'i are:

In this Baghdad city, Imam Shafi'i has several students. His students in the city of Baghdad included Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, az-Za'farani and al-Karabisi. After his long scientific journey, no doubt, Imam Shafi'i felt that he needed a lot of reforms in the book of ar-Risala which was written earlier in the city of Mecca. Until this final phase, Imam Shafi'i rewrote the book Ar-Risala in Fustath, a part of the city of Cairo in the land of Egypt at that time.

After his long scientific journey, no doubt, Imam Shafi'i felt that he needed a lot of reforms in the book of ar-Risala which was written earlier in the city of Mecca. Until this final phase, Imam Shafi'i rewrote the book Ar-Risala in Fustath, a part of the city of Cairo in the land of Egypt at that time.

Thus was born the new version of the book ar-Risalah which was considered by the ulemas as the top thought of Imam Shafi'i. Later, this rewritten work is more famous as "ar-Risalah al-Jadidah" ​​or also known as "ar-Risalah al-Mishriyyah".

However, despite having a very long period of studying, Imam Shafi'i still tried to perfect the book of ar-Risala. This, as Imam al-Baihaqi notes in the book of Manaqib ash-Shafi'i sourced from Rabi 'bin Sulaiman, student of Imam Shafi'i that he said, "I read the book of ar-Risalah al-Mishriyyah in the presence of Imam Syafi' i more than 30 times, and every time I read before him, Imam Shafi'i always gives corrections to the book ar-Risalah al-Mishriyyah, then in the end Imam Shafi'i said to me, 'Allah does not predestine a more authentic book (avoiding from error) except in His book (the Qur'an) '. "

Later on, the book ar-Risalah written by Imam Shafi'i is elaborated longer (sharih) by Imam Abu Bakar Muhammad bin Abdullah ash-Shairafi, Imam Abu Walid Hassan bin Muhammad al Umawi, Imam Muhammad bin Ali who is more famous by the nickname al-Qaffal ash-Shasyi, Imam Abu Muhammad al-Juwaini (father of Imam Haramain al-Juwaini), and Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Abdullah as-Syaibani.

After the birth of the book of ar-Risalah al-Jadidah Imam Shafi'i felt the need to perfect the science of ushul fiqh which he pioneered by publishing the book Jima'ul Ulum. This book tells a lot about groups who reject the arguments of Hadith on Sunday and their rebuttal and the like.

Followed after that, Imam Shafi'i published the book Ikhtilaful Hadith which explains the differences of opinion of the scholars in addressing the outstanding hadith. This book is arranged in accordance with the flow of the fiqh science chapter. And in the end Imam Shafi'i closed his works in the science of Usul Fiqh by publishing the book of Ibthal Istihsan. This book criticizes many scholars who are too excessive in using the method istihsan. In addition, Imam Shafi'i also wrote the Sifatu Nahyi Nabi which explains the meaning of the prohibition (nahyu) in the Prophet's hadith.

As a result, Imam Shafi'i laid a very solid foundation as the beginning of a long endless discussion in the field of ushul fiqh. Among the foundations that have been built by Imam Shafi'i are:

Explain the arguments taken in determining the law of the Qur'an, hadith, ijma ', qiyas, and sharpen the order.

Strengthening the Hadith of Hadith in general and establishing the Hadith of Hadith specifically on Sunday and explaining that there is no real conflict between the Qur'an and the Hadith as well as between one hadith and another as a source of proposition.

Explain the obligation to follow the path of believers (ijma ').

Provide clear boundaries and levels in making reason as a legal benchmark and provide detailed conditions for using Qiyas.

Giving quite serious resistance in breaking the Mu'tazilah ruling that was too extreme in mentoring the nature of God.

Give a warning that the Qur'an was revealed in Arabic and in the Qur'an there are several ways of reading that are indeed in Arabic pronunciation.

Explaining about amr (command) and nahi (prohibition).

Explain naskh and mansukh (nullification).

After the period of Imam Shafi'i, the next generation of ulemas flocked to explore further the issue of the Qur'an and hadith.

Among the scholars are Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal with the work of Risalatul Imam Ahmad fi Tha'atir Rasul, followed by Imam al-Bukhari with the work of Akhbarul Ahad and the work of al-I'tisham bil Kitab wa Sunnah, followed by Imam Ibnu Qutaibah with the work of Takwil Musykil al-Qur'an and the Takwilu Mukhtalafil Hadith.

Imam Shafi'i died on the 30th of Rajab in 204 H in the city of Cairo.
Muhammad Tholhah al Fayyadl, student majoring in Usuluddin al-Azhar University of Egypt; NU scholarship recipients in 2018.


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