Terms and Conditions for Zakat that You Need to Know

Is this your first time taking care of zakat by yourself? Of course you have to understand the terms and pillars of zakat first. As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, zakat is an obligation for every Muslim, including you. If you have been giving up alms to parents all this time, now that you have your own family, you can no longer 'entrust it' to your father or mother, right? What do you need to know?
 Terms and Conditions for Zakat that You Need to Know

Understanding Zakat
According to the meaning of language, zakat means to grow, develop, increase, or flourish. The meaning is that even though it is visible by issuing zakat, it means that you spend part of your wealth, but actually your assets grow. Because Allah SWT promises goodness, blessings, and rewards from each zakat that you spend. His blessing will make your treasure always fulfilled.

The command to perform zakat is mentioned several times in the Qur'an, among them: "And perform prayers, pay alms, and bow along with those who are bowing (QS. Al-Baqarah: 43)" and "Take alms from some of their assets, with alms that you cleanse and purify them "(Surah At-Taubah: 103)." The meaning of purifying shows that zakat is the cleansing of the soul from sin and all forms of bad deeds.

Obligatory Zakat Requirements
Zakat is obligatory for every Muslim who has assets that meet the criteria or conditions. In every treasure owned by a Muslim, there are poor and needy rights that must be fulfilled. The requirements are as follows:

This command only applies to Muslims and zakat is only distributed to fellow Muslims.

Common sense and mature
Zakat is obligated to people who are healthy minded and who have grown up, because children who are not yet mature and people who are not reasonable have no legal responsibility

Have your own property and have reached Nisab
Nisab is a property limit that has reached a certain amount determined by religious law. We do not have to pay zakat if it is less than this size.

Enough Haul
Haul means that the property has existed or has been owned for one year in the Islamic calendar.

Debt free
The obligatory requirement of zakat is if the assets have exceeded the primary needs and there must also be enough Nisab that is free from debt.

the pillars of zakat
Pillars of zakat that must be fulfilled as an obligation to the Pillars of Islam. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Pillars of Alms
Pillars of zakat are the elements that must be fulfilled before implementing zakat, which includes people who pay tithe, tithe assets, and people who are entitled to receive zakat. A person who has fulfilled the requirements for tithing must remove part of their assets by relinquishing ownership rights, then giving up ownership to those who are entitled to receive it through the imam or the officer who collects zakat (amil).

Well, now you have a better understanding of the terms and pillars of zakat, right? Entering the month of Ramadan, let's prepare your zakat!

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