Covid-19: Do not give up hope in the midst of trials

Covid-19 pandemic or Corona virus is undeniable has become a frightening specter and life problems that weaken among the people of Indonesia, even throughout the world. Not only about concerns about transmission, but also about the effects of social economy that threatens all aspects of life. No exception, Muslims, especially those in fact the majority in Indonesia, also experienced similar effects. Anyone who tries and moves in any field without exception feels the effects of this plague. It is undeniable that this pandemic has weakened the mentality of the people in living their lives. However, if we want to read the Qur'an and learn more, as a believer who believes in Allah, he should not be too absorbed in those worries and fears. It is natural and humane if everyone has fear, anxiety, and worry about life that is not working as it should. But for a believer all of that is considered to be excessive if it makes it despair and lose hope. 
 Covid-19: Do not give up hope in the midst of trials

For that, at least we can read and learn from the word of Allah in Surah An-Nisa verse 104:
 ولا تهنوا في ابتغاء القوم إن تكونوا تألمون فإنهم يألمون كما تألمون وترجون من الله ما لا يرجون وكان الله عليما حكيما
 means: "Do not feel weak in chasing after infidels. If you feel pain then they feel pain as well as you feel pain, whereas you can expect from God what they cannot expect. And Allah is the All-knowing, All-Wise, All-Wise. " In various commentaries - one of them is Al-Munȋr li Ma'ȃlimit Tanzȋl by Shaykh Nawawi Banten (2007, I: 188) - the scholars explain that this verse comes down to one event when the Prophet sent a group of friends to search for and fight Abu Sufyan and his friends, they complained about the wounds they had suffered when returning from the battle of Uhud. 

With this verse as if Allah reminded the Companions of the Prophet not to be discouraged in fighting the polytheists, only because they suffered injuries during the Battle of Uhud. Because what they experienced was also experienced by the polytheists, but they did not lose enthusiasm in fighting the Muslims. Therefore Shaykh Nawawi gives an interpretation of the verse by saying, it is proper that you — the believers — are more zealous and more patient in war than the polytheists. "

While more clearly Imam Fakhrudin Ar-Razi in Mafȃtihul Ghaib (2012, VI: 33) interprets, the pain is equally felt by you believers and by the polytheists. So if fear of pain does not prevent them from fighting you, how can it prevent you from fighting them? The believers admit and believe that there is a reward, torture, resurrection and gathering tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection, while the polytheists do not recognize it all. If those who do not acknowledge it all are so enthusiastic in fighting you, then you as believers - who recognize the great rewards of jihad and the torture of leaving - should be more enthusiastic in carrying out this jihad. In line with the two commentators above Imam Qurthubi in al-Jȃmi 'li Ahkȃmil Qur'ȃn (2010, III: 326) also stated, "If you feel pain with the wounds that you have experienced, then they polytheists feel the same with the wounds befall them. 

It's just that you believers have the advantage, that you have the hope of getting merit from Allah, while they don't have that hope. People who do not believe in Allah expect nothing from Him. " From the verse above, along with its interpretations, we can look in the face of the Corona outbreak which is currently sweeping and weakening the various aspects of life. What we must first realize is that the Corona outbreak and its various impacts not only hit one group, region or group of people, but evenly distributed to all people on this earth. Those who are stated as positive are those who are directly affected; experiencing pain that is said to be extraordinary and even to the point of death. As for those who are not exposed to this virus, although they are still in good health, they are indirectly affected by the weakening of various aspects of life, starting from the economic, educational, and even religious aspects. Or at least everyone feels a concern about getting this deadly virus. Reading the above verse, for a believer this should not make him lose hope and despair. He must realize, that what is happening now and befall him and all mankind in any part of the world is under the control and power of Allah, the God whom he believes and worships. If God wills then this plague will end soon, and if vice versa then vice versa applies. With this understanding, a believer realizes that whatever Allah does for His servant, even though it feels unpleasant and pleasant, there is always good in it for the servant. Because whatever is done by God must be good and not in vain. This was also conveyed by Shaykh Nawawi in explaining the above verse, that Allah did not burden you at all except with what He knows that it is a cause for the good of your religion and world (Shaykh Nawawi, 2007). 

A believer also understands that in every trial, test and disaster that Allah gives to His servants there is always a reward for the goodness of the world and the hereafter, when all of that is faced with patience and hoping for His pleasure. A sick believer - including being exposed to Corona - when he is healed, the pain is God's way of washing and cleansing him of sin. After the illness, he became a human being who was clean from the sins he had committed so far, at least reducing them. And if he dies because of his illness, then because of his illness God is pleased to forgive his sins, so that he returns to Him in a clean, not dirty, shameful condition. Likewise, a believer is not exposed to Corona, but is affected in various aspects of his life. If he is patient with it, then the reward of the goodness of Allah will be obtained both in this world and the hereafter. It could be that after this epidemic — the blessing of his patience — God gave him a life that was more worthy, more beneficial and more blessing than his previous life. On the other hand, a believer who is accustomed to doing certain acts of obedience, because of this plague can no longer carry out his habits perfectly, or even can not do it at all. No need to despair. Stay Husnu Dhan, think of Allah while hoping for his grace. That this is all God's way of giving alms. Without doing the same deeds of obedience, he still gets the same reward when he does it. Once the Prophet taught.

As a result, the plague with all the effects of this life does not only affect us. Everyone feels it. If there are people out there who are still eager to face the reality of life, why don't we? If there are people who still have hope for a better life after going through these difficult times, why don't we? While our Lord is still God, there is nothing to be sorry for, no need to despair. Continue to build hope. Our Lord is not a dead god, who does not see and hear, who has no control and no solution. Imam Ar-Razi teaches; "You are worshiping an omniscient, all-powerful, all-hearing and all-seeing God, so you should expect merit from him. Different from the idolaters who worship idols whose inanimate immovable objects, it is not proper for them to expect the reward of these idols and fear of their torment. Allah knows best. 

Yazid Muttaqin, an alumni of the AL-Muayyad Islamic Boarding School in Surakarta, is now active in the management of the Tegal City PCNU and as the head of the Tegal City Ministry of Religion.


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