Kat Thanks to the Doctor, I Cured ’, Shirk Statement?
Discussing about the divine aspect is certainly good. It helps us to always remember God. But we must not overdo it in doing this because unconsciously can make us comment out of context and even rashly accuse others of heresy.
With an excessive mindset, reasonable expressions between people can be considered as a problematic aqeedah expression. In everyday language between one human being and another, most aspects of divinity are not included in the discussion so that the pronunciation is not complicated. But this does not mean that utterance forgets the aspect of divinity. It's very common to say something like the following examples: "Thank you, Doc. Thanks to the help of the doctor, I have recovered," said a patient. "If it wasn't for father, surely I couldn't be like this," said a child. "If it hadn't been for you to pull my hand, I would have fallen into the abyss," said a survivor who slipped. "If I hadn't braked, you would have been crushed by this truck," said a truck driver. "Don't go, Mas. If you go, then who will provide for me and the children," a wife told her husband. All of the above expressions are very reasonable and not problematic if we see it in the context of one person's interaction with another person where there are parties who state the importance of a role performed by themselves or performed by others. However, all of that will become troublesome, even considered heretical, when we consider the dialogue as an expression of the saying of the speaker who forgets the role of God.
In the discussion of aqidah, all scholars agree that the only one who can provide healing, success, salvation, and fortune is Allah. Any creature has absolutely no role in this but only as an intermediary. Since God's role in this matter covers all things, it is only natural that his role is not mentioned continuously because it is already known together. Just like breathing has never been a health prescription because everyone already knows the importance of breathing. Will be convoluted when for example a patient must say: "Thank you doctor, if it was not for the will of God that has been written in the mahfudz field which allows the doctor a few moments ago to move and give me the appropriate medicine for the instructions that God gave the doctor then it was with God's will that the drug mediated my healing.
" Likewise for the other examples mentioned above, everything will be complicated if you include aspects of divinity that all Muslims already understand. For this reason, it is natural that there are brief expressions that only mention the human role, but that does not mean denying the role of God. By understanding this, we can understand the meaning of Imam Bushiri's poem in the following famous Burdah:
يَا أَكْرَمَ الرُّسُلِ مَا لِيْ مَنْ أَلُوْذُ بِهِ سِوَاكَ عِنْدِثِ حُُِثِِْثِْْْ
"O most noble creature, there is no place for me to lean on except you when there is a total disaster."
In the poem, Imam Bushiri mentioned the role of the Prophet Muhammad which was so great that there were no more creatures that could be used as a place to lean on when there was trouble other than him. The role of blessings on the Prophet in breaking affliction of his people can be seen from the following hadith:
قال أبي قلت يا رسول الله إني أكثر الصلاة عليك فكم أجعل لك من صلاتي فقال ما شئت قال قلت الربع قال ما شئت فإن زدت فهو خير لك قلت النصف قال ما شئت فإن زدت فهو خير لك قال قلت فالثلثين قال ما شئت فإن زدت فهو خير لك قلت أجعل لك صلاتي كلها قال إذا تكفى همك ويغفر لك ذنبك قال أبو عيسى هذا حديث حسن صح ح
"Said Ubai: O Messenger of Allah, I often bring blessings to His Majesty, then how much do I pray for His Majesty? The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam replied: "Whatever." I ask: A quarter? The Prophet sallallaahu 'alahi wa Salam replied: "Whatever, if you add it better for you." I ask: Half? He replied: "Whatever, if you add it better for you." I ask: Two thirds? "Whatever, if you add it better for you." I said: I will make all my prayers for you. He said: "If so, you are sufficient from your sorrow and your sins forgiven. "Said Abu Isa: This hadith is authentic hasan" (HR. Turmudzi). Therefore it is natural that Muslims rely on the Prophet Muhammad by reading blessings to him when there is distress. in this case can not be rivaled by anyone, but does it mean to say that it means forgetting the role of Allah? Of course not, all Muslims already know the absolute role of God in this kind of thing but are not mentioned so that it is shorter in saying.
The Prophet as "O most noble creatures" which means he is aware that the Prophet is still a creature of Allah, not a rival of Allah, if we overdo it in discussing aspects divinity, then most everyday human statements will be considered as heretical and shirk statements. Even saying that Si Fulan was killed by his neighbors can be considered shirk because aqeedah who can kill or kill is Allah alone as the only al-Mumit (the Most Deadly). Accusations of heresy and shirk over such cases only indicate the attitude of ghuluw (extreme) and prejudice against other Muslims. Allah knows best. Ustadz
Abdul Wahab Ahmad
Source: https://islam.nu.or.id/
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